Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Maintenance Window
Almost bought some Radiation Therapy (RTSX) yesterday, after the earnings sell-off. My limit order was for $28.96, but when I saw an order move the bid from $29 to $28.80, I quickly cancelled. I have a feeling the bottom is a little farther along, but I do like the stock around these levels.
Newfield Exploration (NFX) closed five cents higher than where I first bought, at $38.60, on 01 June. Yes the NG market is 'imbalanced.' If the stock tests, say, thirty-five, I'm in for more shares. Gonna be a long, hot summer, and those NG-fired power plants will be busy. I believe some energy shares will be oversold until then.
Haven't seen too much M&A in oil and gas despite record equity prices. This summer may yield some deals. India and China joint ventures, that sort of thing.
Genentech (DNA) in the short term may have put in a double bottom, with support at eighty-one dollars. That one was a bit oversold recently, but may be strengthening. Biotech as a whole is starting to interest me again, with the recent little move by Vical.
Hydril, Inc (HYDL) was on my mind a bit . I considered a limit order at $68, to dollar-cost down my shares. But I really don't know the stock that well . Sixty-eight dollars should be support, but may turn out to be resistance for a stock trading in the sixties. I'll watch and learn, and certainly average down around $62.
Friday, February 24, 2006
I, Prometheus
new digs are nice. except the throne is way too small. the diameter is something like twelve inches, well short of my 'blast radius' ... other than that, the place is great. Free wifi, from several neighbors. I'm hooked into NETGEAR on ch. 11 from the stove-top. Other locations around the house yielded a default ch. 6 network and two encrypted networks. One has a 'T2 rise of the machines' -sounding name to it.
have had to wait over two weeks for TWC. missed the entire olympics. Finally getting CATV next week. Just in time for spring training.
Initially I signed up for SBC DSL. The pricing was amazing. Except they screwed up my online order, because I wanted to keep my old telephone number. An indifferent customer service rep from deepest Alabama eubonically intoned, " you ain't got it..." I just laughed into the phone out of frustration. They delivered the landline two days ago, but quoted me seven to ten business days on the dsl. I hope they don't have an actual order in the system. Gotta call them today, and TWC, make sure we're on schedule.
The portfolio didn't change too much, except I trimmed some GFI shares, just to lighten the metals load as a whole. Doubled down on Ryerson, Inc (RYI) yesterday at $25.59. Missed the bottom by a dime or so, and today the issue is up since the opening.
I also dollar-cost-averaged some NFX shares at $40.88. The recent bottom on Newfield was under forty, but I couldn't bite then. Meanwhile, Valero is on another run . Might close over fifty-seven today.
And what to make of SunOpta. They reported eps of $0.03 last quarter. Six months ago the stock would have sold off. There are just too many shares locked up and a lot of new interest. The volume seems a little light today, but we might see a million shares. I wonder if I will ever have a chance to buy back those shares I sold off at $6.92. Doubtful we'll ever be under six again at all.
StereoTaxis Inc (STXS) got an upgrade today, from HSBC, from neutral to overweight. I would be tickled pink, except the stock never corrected enough to interest me again. It seemed to spend the last two weeks in a channel around twelve, but I have to do the research again.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Newfield and Valero are on sale today. Newfield under forty dollars. I already doubled down my shares at 44. Next dollar-cost average price point... ..well, the first time I bought shares was 01 June 05 when I picked some up at $38.60. We'll keep checking Bloomberg commodities pricing for trends. How bad do I want some Valero under fifty dollars.... the p/e is probably four. That's a reasonable valuation.... peace and patience
Friday, February 10, 2006
willstain grogs splotch
The reflux redux when I started on coffee yet again, about three months ago. Nowadays, it takes double the dose of that milagro. Today I took a fewscore beans and ground them very well, using this amazing little Braun hand blender. That pot of coffee hasn't been acidic at all. I only ate a 7/11 turkey sandwich all day. Wish for fried fish right now burping little CO2 lish yum...
last mansfield friday
It's not where a stock is, it's where it's going that matters. Kramer said three weeks ago, that AAPL would go to par soon. People who bought then are down twenty dollars a share. I doubled down on NFX yesterday, but I don't think I called the bottom. If there is support around $42, I may dollar cost average some more shares there. Same with Valero, as it approaches fifty dollars.
Sold some more SFCC, at $25.28. I felt it was a bit early to sell, because I think it will test $28 very shortly. Still have a very small stake in the company. The list of companies finding their way to the second division (less than 2% of portfolio) is growing. ValueCluck and SNWL, because they are pieces of shit, and SFCC and STXS, because they are topped out.
Buon Fortunados...
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
loud silence
Limit orders are the only way to go with Etrade. One time I used a sell stop order for a company for $38. They waited until after the price had crossed under 38, then put in a market order, which was filled at $37.52. Oooh, John Chambers is flirting with Erin Burnett, "please call me John, it makes me feel younger... " don't think that'll get me back into Cisco - yet. I may look again after sellers bring that multiple back down...
there are lots of possible values in tech, apple, intel, but commodities seem to be weaker . looks like another bloodbath.... WPCS is below where I got in, because they announced an offering. Healthy small cap companies tend to increase the number of shares outstanding, that's what we want, right... ? a bigger market cap. That is a very positive signal to me, and I will try to buy on the dips..
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
purple haze
Monday, February 06, 2006
yahoo sharts rule
OT .. please stop using chimps for marketing, because they are only useful for their first six months of life, then they are too hostile and aggresive to be of use. They spend the rest of their lives in cages for a cheap, forgettable laugh. Really not too funny that way.
another chart, the cutty sark of hunch buying, after the gap up, WPCS... already took a little off the top at $12.62, there seems to be very low float....buon fortunados..
long yuan silver
'PCU' is also a fantastic college movie, with Jeremy Piven, David Spade and Jon Long Yuan Favreau. Either way it's only a copper, a half-shekel, barely worth a line item.. buon fortunados...
Saturday, February 04, 2006
clocking in

......... this must be an exciting time for CKCM longs. Even Kramer pimped them on his show recently. Too bad I have been so nervous about the whole Gwoogle pay by click scheme. Last week I sold half of my Valuecluck shares at a slight loss. They are going the opposite direction of Clickmedia and ended weaker. Congrats longs and buen fortunados.....

........like a vessel among waves of swells and currents.......... strong volume, too..
Friday, February 03, 2006
Streets of Blue Sky Town
...another day, another chart, nice accumulation of Ryerson, Inc (RYI), lately. can't predict the future, but the trend looks like a buy anywhere under thirty.
I will be looking to accumulate some more SunOpta (STKL), after their usual earnings brings them closer to six dollars....
....sold half my UNH shares, just idle money lately....
overall, fairly overweight commodities; energy, metals.... also, fairly overweight technology.... the rich, deep nap sands of alberta are coming into play....
graybeard cabletech network quote
This bid includes the cost for parts and labor for a modular, structured premise cable system.
The most basic wiring system that will meet your needs for 100 Base-T networking and VOIP is Category 5e. Most basic VOIP phones require a direct ethernet connection to a VOIP router. That VOIP router is connected to your 16-port switch, which then goes to your Cox router/gateway. Other VOIP providers use an ethernet line-out phone for connecting a PC. This may materially change your bid because such phones only require one data drop per workstation; that VOIP router would rest on the other side of your switch. This Category 5e network is rated at a minimum of 100 Mhz (optimized Cat5e networks can run in excess of 250 Mhz) and will also run Gigabit Ethernet.
Item 20" x 44" x 3/8" plywood backboard, mounted on wall in Server room, painted white
24-port Category 5e ethernet patch panel, wall-mounted
24-wire cable management system, wall-mounted
Category 5e plenum cable, 750 feet, white
Wiring of CAT5e using ceiling, corners or floor to nine drop locations
Eighteen workstation terminations, TIA568B, RJ-45 eight pin jack, two-jack housing
(six pin RJ-11 telephone jack available on request)
Basic wall cable management using clips and cable ties
Complete workstation testing, labeling and documentation
Six (6) ethernet patch cords for workstations or for attaching the switch to patch panel
Item Same as above, but includes custom, professional-looking wall moulding and raceways installed to each workstation drop, and twenty-four (24) patch cords$640
Item Same as above, but substitute Category 6 Plenum cable, patch cords and patch panel.Network is rated at 250 Mhz and will be somewhat 'future-proof.'$840
north, to alaska

put in a bid on the job, a CAT5e network with nine workstation drops for $480. Eight-forty if they want CAT6 with the wall-mounted raceways. Good thing I have something else to do while laying off the crack, er, I mean, the Etrade application with the streaming news and Level II quotes, that's my glass deeek.
I had to 'learn' VOIP last night. The best diagram I found was located at http://www.phonewala.com/images/voip-diagram.gif ; I hope it is okay to re-publish it here, for my personal reference. Most any other configurations are a mess. I would also have a single POTS line somewhere in there. A T1 that lets you channelize a voice line is a little better, but why not install a telegraph in each location. That's the fail-safe, final redundancy.....
............................................................................................ .................
Thursday, February 02, 2006
graybeard cabletech

Going to bid on the cable job... total of nine drops, no acoustic tiles. They have nothing, just a 16-port switch. They will need a wall-mounted ethernet patch panel with 32 or 48 ports. I wish I knew what kind of interface their VOIP phones will use. Home Despot has dual port wall housings for two bucks each, but the TIA568B jacks are five dollars each. Eighteen four-wire copper cable runs times $5 a run for jacks. And nine housings for two dollars each. Ninety plus twenty plus the patch panel (fifty ..?), thats $160... 750 feet of cable at cost, $150 dollars more. I may drill thru one wall to shorten the distance... six hours of labor at twenty, that's one twenty, total four-forty. Does not include moulding. Does not include the factory-made workstation patch cords, or the patch cords from the switch and VOIP router to the patch panel. The straight-through patch cords are a couple bucks each at Fry's.
another chart, predictor of nothing. looks like Vical has been putting in higher bottoms. I wish I still had some of those old $2.88 shares. They are offering a new shelf, so some news is coming, either bird-flu or Allovectin-7; maybe they don't have enough money to see any trials along further. either way it looks like their PR machine is active....
cramerica, batting leadoff is LifeCell...!! I believe that is my first puppy outed on his show. skeee-daddy!!!
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
blogstain masterpiece

chart of the day brought to no one, by yahoo. yesterday this little perra found the pack... volume over last 22 sessions includes earnings report and may confirm a breakout, with support at $18. should support turn into resistance, downside to fifeteen.
Tomorrow's chart of the day may be Vical, Inc. That's right, today there was another limit order for them, based on everybody else in biotech getting their turn already, and the new shelf. News about A-7 may be coming soon; yes, trade is part petulance about missing the HEPH boat. That one is a buy on a pull back.
One call from Craigslist today, and a meeting tomorrow. That's progress... !
Epic feast today, chix fajitas with garlic and peppers, and quesadillas made with corn tortillas and frijoles. ya me voy.....
A human being is truly a sentient being. All of us are masters of communication. We have internal mechanisms, to detect false notes pr...
The search string "scientists believe fracking causes earthquakes" returns nearly four hundred thousand Google results. The defi...