sharts of some day, indicative of nothing. Caveats to anyone who reads, to do your own due diligence. I am responsible for nothing. This little nothing, Novatel, Inc., bounced off it's 50-day moving average into higher territory. I am nervous enough to take a little off the top, being tech, high beta and all that. Going to watch the stock for a few days, because there has been some accumulation, and if earnings are good, very little overhead...

OT .. please stop using chimps for marketing, because they are only useful for their first six months of life, then they are too hostile and aggresive to be of use. They spend the rest of their lives in cages for a cheap, forgettable laugh. Really not too funny that way.

another chart, the cutty sark of hunch buying, after the gap up, WPCS... already took a little off the top at $12.62, there seems to be very low float....buon fortunados..
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