Monday, November 07, 2016

Can Women Be Sexist?

If and when Hillary wins tomorrow, we can look forward to years of beta fags calling heterosexual men, "sexist," for criticizing her. Women who do not toe the progressive line will also be tagged with this word.

These words in use today, like "racist," and "sexist," are one-way streets of condemnation. While the word "sexist" means "prejudice based on sex," the reality is quite different.

The progressive line is that women cannot be sexist against men because men have all the power. Women have historically been persecuted by men.

This reasoning is based on a logical fallacy, that of the Noble Savage, and once you see it, you can't un-see it. It's a flaw of reasoning big enough to drive a truck through.

The Noble Savage is the representation of humanity in its pristine state, untouched by modern civilization. You see this fallacy deployed a lot to describe the fate of Native Americans at the hands of settlers. It falls apart when you realize that Native Americans were just as disposed to start wars and butcher people as the most bloodthirsty colonists.

The Blameless Female narrative falls apart when confronted by the staggering amount of cruelty that is dispensed by women. The feminist trope is that men who behave abhorrently are driven to do so by "Toxic Masculinity." This is explained with a "Not All Men Are Like That" and said to be the result of faulty social conditioning. Unfortunately, it carries the scent of demonizing innate masculine behaviors that arise due to testosterone.

What about a woman who throws her newborn out a window? Did she suffer from a lack of socialization, or could it have been post-partum depression? If the latter, could she not be said to be suffering from "Toxic Femininity?"

Society allows sexist double standards to exist against men. If a woman kills her husband, she has a decent chance of acquittal using the defense that she was abused. But if a man kills his wife and tries to justify it on the grounds that she was abusive, he would be laughed out of court.

Women bitch a lot about stereotypes that portray them as emotional and unstable. But they don't call them stereotypes because they are so rare!

Women carp endlessly about the lack of females in engineering, and this represents oppression. But ask a woman why there are so many women in teaching, or nursing, and you will hear, "women are just better at stuff."

Feminists critique their objectification by men, but what about men who are objectified by women? Women are attracted to tall, fit, high-income, high-status men. Doesn't that make women sexist, too?

1 comment:

wergolden said...

Some interesting points here.