Sunday, November 06, 2016

Feminism's Wake

Jill Filipovic again, for fuck's sake. This week's contribution is titled, "The Men Feminists Left Behind."

The takeaway quote reads, "while feminism has transformed American culture, our politics and the lives of women, men haven’t evolved nearly as rapidly. Women changed."

If women evolved, they evolved into men. But even this is debatable. Women haven't evolved, they have regressed. The single mother has ascended to higher social status than a married woman raising her family. This is justified by pointing to Nature, like the bitch who is left alone to raise her puppies.

The reason that a bitch can raise eight or more dogs successfully is because they can be self-sufficient in a matter of weeks. A human being requires at least ten years.

Yet single motherhood represents progress, and is elevated to higher social status. This is achieved by insisting single-parent homes aren't "just as good," they're "better."

Nowhere does this female regression have more devastating results than in the black community, where three-fourths of children are raised out-of-wedlock. Filipovic's argument is thus racist because the only villains in her little narrative are white men, who "must change."

A strong case can be made that men have changed. Men have evolved. After all, what is evolution itself, but adaptations made in response to selective pressures?

Have women faced selective pressures? No, they have been cossetted and protected and allowed to nurture and cultivate their vulnerability.

Men have evolved, Jill. They just haven't evolved in the way that you would like.

Men are adept with tools. One of the tools that men have become proficient with is a legal document called a pre-nuptial agreement. This tool was created to solve the problem that men have with women who are favored in the court system.

There are other, less functional ways that men have evolved. The family is not the only place where feminists decided that men were superflous. The educational system and the modern workplace favors women, so men have this attitude called, "going their own way."

This is just a way of responding to incentives, which are themselves a type of selective pressure.

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