I owe much of my telecom career, and a good deal of my spirituality, to the individual under the white hat.
I have been ardently looking for the standing gentleman in the white polo shirt, T.C. The photo was taken by T.C.'s lovely daughter, who was waitressing our table at Charlie's. She had recently married a young man who was away at officer candidate school for the U.S.M.C.
I googled the fellow to no avail. It appears the earth completely swallowed him. He must have been one of those souls, who were needed more by the universal trust. I am extra-ordinarily grateful for the sacrifices he made for me, before he was summoned away. This man was downsized from Fiber Optic Project Manager, to part-time general services.

Nevertheless, one day he invited me to visit him near his workplace, to accept Jesus into my heart.
If this is farewell, friend, then so be it. When my work is done, I will look for you first, on the other side!
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