This is a man who will brown-nose his dessicated mother all the way to her grave. Yet he willfully destroys every single thing that he creates.
I am as serene as a napping tiger, sheltered by a tree, under cerulean skies, safe among his own kind, about to engage a horribly vicious, rabid, mad, dog. And I will fly to Syracuse and get in his face, if I have to.
Hey, Joe. Today is the beginning of the end, Joe.
16:12 General Quarters.
Sixty minutes is hitting the fan on the east coast. It has been three hours since directly informing my sister that I "needed to have a word, today," with her.
Systems stable on all code platforms, since first season. Present moon waxing into unheard territory. Phenomenal, sustained response from new neuro-peptide chains. Continue impulse power. New signaling and encoding techniques performing flawlessly. The solstice is upon us!
To Life!
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