Friday, March 31, 2017

Pence's Prudence is Rape Culture

Vice President Mike Pence does not like to dine alone with women who are not his wife. This has been met with varying degrees of indignation. You may be wondering why a quote from a 2002 interview with The Hill would surface now.

Emma Green's article for The Atlantic yesterday has all the answers. Green graciously opined that, this is how he and his wife, together, have chosen to navigate their marriage. But the same article mentions a totally unrelated topic, that while Pence was governor of Indiana, he presided over a controversial religious-freedom bill.

This is all battlespace prep for 2020. The left believes Trump either won't run, or will be forced from office, so they have trained some of their fire on Pence.

Some of the less-balanced reactions to the revelation provide an interesting snapshot of current year gender relations.

Ashley Csanady of the National Post argues that Pence's attitude is rape culture at work.

Rape culture is a social construct of attitudes that condone rape. But rape is now whatever a female says is rape. Consensual sex obtained through persuasion? Rape! Consensual sex between a subordinate and her superior? Rape! Mike Pence's (socially-constructed) beliefs forbid ever being in these situations, and thus proscribe rape.

Speaking to a woman without permission is now sexual assault in a growing number of Western jurisdictions.

We are enjoying the first derivatives of feminism's calculus, in this case, the Nordic model. What can be considered, in purely economic terms, as a mutually beneficial transaction (prostitution), is now widely considered a crime that men commit against women. The male customer is punished but the female supplier is not.

I'm not going to say that all women are prostitutes, but there is always a transactional quality to interactions between men and women. If you don't believe me, look at the hashtag #NeverAskAWoman. Never ask a woman to smile. This is considered "emotional labor," and it's never free.

When women put a price-tag on simple kindness, you know that feminism is ultimately motivated by a desire to control and manage resources.

And that brings us to the part of the narrative where all the threads are sewn together, Vox's Joanna L. Grossman's opinion that Vice President Pence’s “never dine alone with a woman” rule isn’t honorable. It’s probably illegal.

Because discrimination. This is the problem with establishing that women are a protected class. It's always ok for women to use their sexuality in subtle or overt ways to advance their careers. Yet the man on the other side of this otherwise mutually beneficial transaction is a criminal. And so is the man who wants to avoid the transaction altogether.

How ever did women manage to control enough resources to survive for hundreds of thousands of years without employment lawyers?

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Tomorrow Belongs To Me

Buzzfeed has a photo series and column about one of the most depraved human beings out there. Andy Prosserman (he's reduced to the hilarious banality "this guy" in the headline) was so excited about getting a vasectomy this year that he did an absurd photo shoot."

The first image is "this guy" sitting in an injection-molded foam chair, cradling a stalk of kale. He looks down upon the leafy vegetable and exudes tenderness. He has a beard, because of course he does.

The quote in the subhead reads, "Now I’m 31, and I know it’s the right decision for me."

He's all grown up and making adult decisions, and I'm sure his parents are very proud. And he's supporting himself with honorable work, well, it's not honorable, but it is work, and hey, how many people get to do something they love?

"This guy" co-owns a boutique sex shop in Toronto. A BDSM sex shoppe. I'm sure his parents are wondering where the hell they messed this kid up so bad.

What does "this guy" do at his little shop of horrors? Don't click over unless you want to see a man holding a dildo. But let him tell us, using his words:

"I’m Andy. I’ve been a passionate member of the BDSM community as far back as I can remember, and I’m a proud pervert who loves to share my knowledge & experience with the world. I’ve spent time on all sides of the D/s spectrum and my kink is constantly evolving. I identify as a mostly Dom, sometimes sub, polyamorous, queer, rope bunny and dad joke enthusiast."


Back to the Buzzfeed article, "this guy" spends a lot of time talking about how he wants permanent birth control methods to be more easily available for everyone, especially women.

"We as a society need to trust women, and we need to stop trying to control what they can and can’t do with their own bodies," he says.

This guy probably has a dungeon, and he probably keeps women trapped in there, but he's totally a great feminist. When he's not making a suit out of their skin, that is.

Congratulations on your obsolescence, random creep. Thank you for not reproducing. Thank you for not passing along your genes. But to be honest, you're kind of a pussy. If you really wanted to prevent your biological material from replicating, there are more permanent methods.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Bait And Switch

This is an interesting distillation of yesterday's failure to bring a bill to the floor of the House of Representatives. And it begs the question, what is the switch?

Tracey is implying that Trump got conservatives to vote for him by promising to repeal Obamacare. In this analogy, full repeal was the bait. It's like when you see an ad for a new car, one at this price, at dealer cost, if you come in today. Then when you get to the dealer, that one "was just sold," but can I interest you in this one, it's a real beauty?

The conservative "switch" is thus a healthcare solution that requires even more government. Maybe they will try to lower the age for Medicare to 55, or offer Medicare for all. A government option. At this point, even I can be persuaded along these lines, but only if we stop the immigration invasion. End chain migration, end birthright citizenship, and stop bringing in people with no skills.

If there is one thing this whole thing has taught us, is that you can't take away an entitlement, ever. Conservatives lost this battle a long time ago, when liberals asserted that "health care is a right."

And another thing we have learned, is that Paul Ryan is not qualified to be Speaker of the House. He should quit and do policy papers that nobody reads for the Hoover Institute.

Paul Ryan can't even do basic math. The House Freedom Caucus has thirty-one members. They were never going to vote for anything short of a full repeal. The whole thing was pointless.

Donald Trump already fulfilled part of his campaign promise, as far as I'm concerned. His very first Executive Order was to waive the individual mandate. That was the invasive, freedom-violating part of the law. The question is, who owns healthcare now, then?

The PPACA isn't a healthcare bill. It's an insurance law. It should be called Obamasure. The law mandates coverage levels and needless preventive care that make the premiums too high. And the deductibles are so high that people wait even longer to seek care.

And Trump, being an experienced businessman, knew it was time to cut his losses and move on.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Uterus For Rent

The thought experiment currently making the rounds is a year-old post in Aeon by a pair of Jewish psychologists. Howard Rachlin is Emeritus Research Professor of Psychology at Stony Brook, and Marvin Frankel is a professor of psychology at Sarah Lawrence.

Titled, If babies were randomly allocated to families would racism end? the article attempts to inform whether a drastic shuffling of babies would reduce racism and improve "social cohesion."

Just once I'd like to see a couple of Ashkenazi write an article extolling the virtues of being a segregated community, and how it can lead to selective pressures that help raise mean IQ.

One problem with this proposal is that it assumes that racism is bad. I think most people can agree that hating someone for looking different is not desirable, but racism means everything these days. Fox's Brian Kilmeade asking co-host Harris Faulkner whether she likes Kool-Aid is racist.

The word "racist" is a means of control. Noticing that certain populations have relatively low mean IQ is racist. But noticing that certain populations are superior athletes is somehow not as racist. So I dispute whether "ending racism" is even a worthwhile goal.

But let's say it is. One of the other benefits of this "social mixing,", the authors assert, "would be to generate a strong interest in the health and wellbeing of expectant mothers, which would ultimately translate into an interest in the social and biological welfare of everyone."

We already expend great energy maintaining the wellbeing of expectant mothers. That this would somehow "translate" into greater altruism is absurd - men work to provide a surplus for their families. The repeated failures of communism proves that men won't work for someone else's family.

A female, when you think about it, is merely a vehicle for bringing children into the world. So let's say my spouse is pregnant, and when she gives birth, our child is going to be taken from us and given to another family. What is my incentive to maintain my wife's health?

If my wife wants to have a few glasses of wine, I doubt I would stop her. She's still a vehicle for a child, but now she's more like a rental car. Everybody drives their rental car too hard and they don't sweat a few potholes.

There are parents who adopt children, but they know there will be things they can't control or anticipate. And what about children with disabilities?

It's like asking everybody to be a foster parent, and expecting every kid to be a foster kid, and expecting better outcomes.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

America The Mutable

In the 1976 movie, Logan's Run, Jessica (Jenny Agutter) and Logan (Michael York) have escaped their hermetically -sealed shopping mall and are exploring the ruins outside. They come upon a graveyard, and notice the writing on the tombstones of those who passed on.

Jessica: They've all got names and numbers on them.
Logan: I wonder what they are?
Jessica: "Beloved husband." "Beloved wife."
Logan: I wonder what it means.

A future citizen will inevitably comb through our civilization's artifacts, and wonder the exact same thing.

You cannot go even one day without another story about gender. Such as, the University of Minnesota will no longer promote references to the Homecoming King and Queen. From now on, those selected will be known as "Royals."

This is at once sickening and fantastic. It's nauseating because these are no small victories for the left. It is natural human progress to them, and anyone who opposes this is a reactionary.

The only possible silver lining is that the majority of students don't like it. If they come to understand the underlying reason for promoting "inclusion," they would turn away from the left and look toward liberty and accountability. At least a college student still has subversive impulses, so when the dominant culture tells them to submit, maybe, just maybe, they won't.

How did we get here? This erasure of polarity of the sexes is due to this reverence for consumerism and ascendant feminism. When I see an image like Time magazine's cover, I see erasure of differences. Whatever secondary sexual characteristics this person possesses have been airbrushed away.

It's like when progressives talk about race. They see white identity as a problem that makes other people uncomfortable, so they favor babies that come out looking like mocha lattes. This individual on the cover of Time is a sexual mocha latte.

This is both a product of and a key input for consumerism. What kind of endocrine disruptors did his/her mother consume that feminized him/her? Perhaps the BPA packaging on a convenience food like a gluten-free pasta.

And whatever hopes he/she has for becoming a parent, are set aside in the interest of making him/her a faithful consumer.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Playboy For Unfuckables

Playboy magazine was described by Hugh Hefner as a "handbook for the urban male." It was a magazine that my Dad felt comfortable leaving on the coffee table. What I remember, besides the nudity, was advice for buying high-end stereo equipment. A common quip was that men could purchase and read the magazine, "just for the articles."

But it was true, as evidenced by Joseph Heller's publishing in 1987 a "lost chapter" to Catch-22, titled Yossarian Survives. Dozens of other writers contributed to the magazine, including Margaret Atwood and Norman Mailer.

Playboy magazine was always considered enemy territory by feminists. Gloria Steinem famously went undercover as a Playboy bunny to expose the sexism and chauvinism of the publication. But Playboy was merely supplying an existing demand for male status -raising in the wake of Steinem's creation of legions of women ready for consequence-free sex.

Then, a few years ago, Playboy eliminated the nudity.

They should have just closed the magazine, because what they do now is wave unfuckables like Noor Tagouri in front of your face.

If the image of a covered Muslim woman baring her teeth for the camera doesn't trigger any emotions for you, just scan the background. Behind her is a representation of an American flag, with several bullet holes. Subtle.

Just in case it's too subtle, I'll explain. The enemy has conquered us, and is posing in front of our captured flag, both to demoralize us, and to encourage their confederates.

The current issue of Playboy has an article written by an xoJane alumnus, criticizing Ed Sheeran. It's entitled, Ed Sheeran Has a Toxic Masculinity Problem.

I know what you are thinking, and that is, "who is this Ed Sheeran, and why has Chloë Stillwell deigned to deconstruct his toxicity?" Ed Sheeran is a singer and a songwriter who is not Ian Curtis.

Ed Sheeran personifies the toxicity that shadows the most despised male archetype, the "underdog." What's an underdog? Stillwell effortlessly writes, "When you date an underdog, he’ll gleefully go down on you for hours and tell you you’re the best sex he’s ever had—until you break up with him, after which he’ll call you a slut on Facebook."

So he's kind of a beta, then? Stillwell is probably under orders not to drop the word, "beta," on the fragile male egos that read her magazine. But if Sheeran is a beta, then he's a beta with a ton of albums and writing credits, including Taylor Swift and One Direction. But, whatever. I'm not here to defend Ed Sheeran.

It seems that since they're not peddling smut, Playboy should market themselves as the Godfather of today's masculine "game." They should leverage their traditional role to help men realize their sexual market value, and their value to society as males. Instead, Playboy has co-opted the SocJus terminology that would destroy traditional masculinity, by treating male insecurity as a sickness.

And it's all served up by women, like Stillwell, who traffic only in solipsism. It's just another format to vent feminine rage at low-status men who dare gaze over. That Stillwell posted her anti-masculine rant from formerly enemy territory, must seem to her like waving the hammer-and-sickle from the Reichstag.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Hate Crime Suspect On The Loose

You know how they have Amber Alert for child abductions? Hate crimes are pretty serious, too. We should have some sort of integrated broadcast protocol for that. We could call it a Hitler Alert.Police are expending scarce resources for what, exactly? A rapist? A murderer? No, for someone who posted flyers around American University without permission.

Oh, and directing hate against an entire group of people that can do anything men can do except withstand satire.

And this was doubly harmful, falling as it did on International Women's Day.

"Stop talking and bitching woman on March 8 and make me a sandwich."

Where is the hate? Using the word "bitching?" It's commonly understood to mean constant complaining, and the only reason it has any gender connotation is the root word, "bitch." If calling a woman a bitch is a hate crime, then maybe we should amend the criminal code to include the words, "bastard," "prick," "dick," "asshole," etc.

Is it the command to make lunch? Don't tell that to the people behind the counter at Subway.

Feminism's Suicide Pact

Happy Women's History Month! No mansplaining will be tolerated. Even works of art by men will be censored to help create a nurturing environment for women. Browse our wares confident that you will not face any stress that may accidentally temper, anneal, or strengthen a woman.

Portlandia's Women and Women First Bookstore is no longer a joke. Loganberry Books in Cleveland, with their female-only workforce, is really into Women's History Month.

The plucky girls went through the store and turned around every book with a male author. There's nothing very creepy and totalitarian about that, no siree bob.

Anybody who criticizes this is probably a misogynist, so better to blankly praise it, like Estelle Tang of Elle, whose headline proclaims it as Most Genius (Someday I have to write about all the gook bitches who gravitate towards feminism and threaten to crowd out the dyke, black and latinx voices).

Harriett Logan, founder of Loganberry Books, said the display was a "metaphor of silencing the male voice." Uh, that's not a metaphor. A metaphor is a figure of speech. You're just deploying censors. If you want to use a metaphor, post a sign that says, "Male voices harm women as much as rapists do." There. That's a fucking metaphor.

This feminist impulse to "silence male voices," is more widespread than you might think. Feminist author Caitlin Moran wrote on the Penguin Books blog, that, "if I had one piece of advice for young girls, and women, it would be this: girls, don’t read any books by men."

Right at this very moment, I know exactly what you're thinking, and that is, 'who the fuck is Caitlin Moran?'

She wrote a book called "How To Be A Woman." If you were inclined to "look inside," you would find memorable phrases like, "I can feel the breath in my throat catching, like vomit." Whoa, deep.

I can't imagine my life without the influence of Aldous Huxley, James Joyce, and so many others. And that's just the fiction. What about the sciences? Where would we be without the contributions by Freud and Darwin? But it won't stop there. The trend in STEM education seems to be to attempt to be more "inclusive," because what we really need is more women engineers.

University of North Dakota Ph.D. candidate Laura Parson recently complained that, "STEM teaching practices and views about knowledge are inherently discriminatory to women." She further asserts that "scientific knowledge is subjective." Anybody who entertains feminist discourse is placing the course of society on a suicide trajectory.

Leathernecks Will Be Leathernecks

*Unless Senator Kirsten Gillibrand gets her way, and gets a Senate hearing on the Marine Corps nude photo sharing scandal.You know the proceedings have become a circus the minute Gloria Allred takes the stage. She is a shameless opportunist.

I don't blame former Marine Erika Butner, who is pictured with Allred. Butner was told that she deserved to be a Marine if she could pass some physical tests. "Victim blaming and the excuse that some are giving that 'boys will be boys' needs to stop," Butner said.

The Marines involved should be disciplined. I think a dishonorable discharge should be in order for a Marine who willfully violated a private space to film a female Marine.

The problem is, a woman who wants to be accepted by the Corps should be willing to relinquish most of her privacy. Gloria Allred thinks civilian jurisprudence should be brought to bear on these young warriors. She even said, The posting of lewd photos without consent is a violation of the US Code of Military Justice.

What a dumb cunt. It's the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

A lot of these photos came from other social media accounts. Photos of Marine Lance Cpl. Marisa Woytek were taken from her Instagram account. Where is the expectation of privacy in an Instagram account? Even if the account is set to "private," its existence alone is a threat to unit cohesion.

Does Lance Cpl. Woytek believe that a foreign adversary would never think to hack her Instagram account and post her nude pictures?

The fact that thousands of Marines followed the Marines United Facebook page is a huge concern. Senator Gillibrand would love to drum out every single follower, and sentence those who fantasized about rape to the stockade.

Gillibrand said, "This unacceptable behavior spotlights a culture of disrespect for female service members that undermines good order and discipline in the military and weakens military readiness."

How the fuck would you know about military readiness, Senator? Doesn't having inferior warriors in the field weaken readiness? What about the deeply instinctual male impulse to protect women from harm? That somehow strengthens readiness?

We are a long way from the heroes of Bougainville, Guadalcanal, Peleliu, and Iwo Jima. And they better not think of singing bawdy songs like Dirty Gertie From Bizerte. If female Marines hear the stanza, Wears no chemise and wears no skirty, she'll summon Senator Split-tail to remind them that "boys will be boys" is no longer an adequate defense.

Thursday, March 09, 2017

Cat Lady In Waiting

Gut-wrenching account of a woman having her honor and virtue stolen? Or click-bait? Somewhere in-between, actually.

Subtitle, Five years after his crime, I finally realize what happened. This article's URL source title reads, "raped-by-someone-i-liked." And the HTML index page reads, I Was Date Raped - I Woke Up To A Man Having Sex With Me.

Thus, the original title of the essay was "raped by someone I liked," but that wasn't salacious enough for author Charlotte Lieberman's editor. You won't get any sympathy unless you scream "RAPE."

No small matter to point out that her personal narrative has undergone as many revisions as the article.

And the article could have used even more work. For example, she writes, "When I was in my teens, my mom told me never to go to Central Park alone." In the next paragraph, she writes, "The summer after my sophomore year I traveled to Mexico for a competitive internship program." I'm guessing it was her college sophomore year, but the prior reference to "my teens" impresses upon the reader a much younger reference.

So she met a guy she liked, and "We went back to where I was staying and had standardly boring intercourse." She had consensual sex with a young man she liked. Then, oh, the horror.

"A few hours later I woke up—suddenly and disoriented. As my eyes adjusted to the dark, I realized that the guy who had just fallen asleep beside me was now inside of me. We were, apparently, having sex. I knew that it wasn't consensual."

No, you have re-framed it. After five years, you came up with a rationalization for your sluttiness that made him the bad guy.

"Just because you have consensual sex with a man at 1 a.m. doesn't mean he can take whatever he wants at 4." It seems to me that he was taking the exact same thing he took before. Because you didn't object before, nor after. He wasn't taking "whatever he wanted." He wasn't raping your ass.

This is the image Charlotte Lieberman presents to the world. Her Twitter bio lists one of her interests as "mental health." Totally didn't see that coming. The only thing missing from her Twitter bio is the names of her cats. We'll give that one a little time.

Hey Charlotte, if you really think you were raped, why don't you call the police?

Sunday, March 05, 2017

Satire Is Dead

Saturday Night Live long ago ceased trying to do satire, and now just aims to be a therapeutic, epistemic hug-box. I could forgive their open contempt for Republicans if they were funny, ever. The Kate McKinnon bits about Kellyanne Conway "texting" each time they went to break was a massive self-own.First of all, she's not sitting on her knees. She's sitting on her feet. Nevertheless, what are they trying to convey here?

They want the viewer to understand that Conway is oblivious to whatever situation she is in, that important things are happening around her and she's lost in her own little world.

They want to remove her agency, because if they had to confront the truth, they wouldn't know how to handle it. The truth is, that Donald Trump doesn't get elected without her. The truth is, she is the first winning female campaign manager in Presidential election history.

So they have to try to get you to believe she's texting her friend with something trivial, like yoga routines or wedding details.

Good satire has to come from an essentially truthful place, and the truth is, Conway was sitting on her feet in the Oval Office, as she checked the photo she just took of the representatives from HBCU's.

So keep it up, Saturday Night Live. Keep sending that dyke Kate McKinnon out to mock a true feminist icon. See how far that gets you.

And let us all know how far the open hatred for Southern culture and people gets you. There was also a skit featuring Attorney General Jeff Sessions as Forrest Gump.

They hate the South because they think Yankee culture is superior, and southern people are stupid. And they don't even bother to disguise their rage.

Saturday, March 04, 2017

The Silicon Republic

Today's trending topic is the FISA warrant that President Obama sought in June 2016 to wiretap Trump Tower in New York. A FISA judge denied that request, so Obama had it amended, and it was eventually granted in October.   By that time, Carter Page and Paul Manafort were no longer with the Trump campaign.

So this was nothing more than a fishing expedition.

It immediately reminded me of the Act 10 shame that progressives visited upon Wisconsin. If you've never heard of this before, it's because the targets were conservatives like Cindy Archer, who helped draft Wisconsin's Budget Repair Bill, or Act 10. This law altered collective-bargaining rules for public-employee unions.

For her trouble, Archer's house was raided by a dozen police officers in the middle of the night on September 14, 2011. This was part of a "John Doe" investigation, but it bears resemblance to the tactics of Lavrentiy ("show me the man, I'll show you the crime") Beria.

 A fishing expedition, based not on any probable cause, but rather mere suspicion. Even if it didn't yield a single prosecution or conviction, it sent a powerful message: don't exercise your freedom of speech or association, or you will get a knock on the door in the middle of the night.

 Can you imagine if this had happened to a progressive group? If Scott Walker had directed the FBI and police to raid the home of a public employee union member, Keith Olbermann would still be talking about it.

So the wiretapping story comes out today, and it comes on the heels of a steady drip, drip, drip of information being released on a daily basis, all orchestrated from Kalorama, all with the purpose of driving Donald Trump from office.

 And I just want to cite a recent story from the New York Times, entitled Obama Administration Rushed to Preserve Intelligence of Russian Election Hacking.

This use of the word, "preserve," is very curious in this case. I don't think that the information belongs to Obama operatives to disseminate. I think it belongs to the American people. But they decided to "spread information about Russian efforts to undermine the presidential election," over every level of government.

 These government officials "needed to ensure that as many people as possible inside government could see it, even if people without security clearances could not." Including "among European allies." Were these government officials removing classified or secret markings from documents in order to share them? 

This is evidence not of Trump collusion with Russia to influence the election. This is evidence that every single agency had and still has Obama loyalists embedded and entrusted with the mission. 

There has been no peaceful transition of power, because they have no intention of relinquishing the administrative state, where real, unelected, unaccountable power resides. At this point, I don't know why Republicans continue to apologize and play by the rules of the last century. A few deep state operatives lined up against a wall would be a very good starting point.