Saturday, September 03, 2016

Neo-Pagan Studies

The university of the very near future will be mostly menschen-rein. The quickest path to the upper echelons of the hierarchy will be through social studies departments. If the school has any technical or engineering reputation, its defining metric will be the ratio of female to male students.

From a traditionalist point of view, Women's Studies is really neo-paganism. There is no deity save Gaia. The true path towards grace is through the Holy Vagina.

Gina Escandon is is a senior at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Cal Poly is short for California Polytechnic. She's studying "English and Theatre." She's also the editor-in-chief of her campus' chapter of Her Campus. The top story there is about Brock Turner.

It's her campus, that's for sure.

Escandon wrote an article for XO Jane about how her wedding traditions are sexist. She writes, "[my] wedding fantasies are now riddled with patriarchal symbols."

"I recently took a Women's & Gender Studies course." Let me stop right here. Why even finish the article? Her mind and soul have been infected by a virus, and she will be forever soul-sick.

She complains that the wedding ring is symbolic of "ownership." For someone with a confessed "wedding obsession," she seems unaware that the bride and groom both wear rings.

The true symbolism of the wedding ring is that of infinity. A ring is a circle with no beginning and no end. That must be confusing to someone like her who has become conditioned to think of marriage as make-work until she can take custody of the kids and her ex-husband's earnings.

She also complains that the white wedding dress symbolizes her "nonexistent virginity." That is certainly one way to look at it. But nobody really questions whether the bride is a virgin or not anymore. It is more a symbol of her soul, the purity of her soul.

A white gown is a traditional Christening gown, and the white wedding gown borrows from the Christian tradition. There are certainly cultures that value virginity more than the West, and very few of them wear white.

If any man becomes serious about joining a union with Gina Escandon, let her rejection of the eternity of the soul be his guide.

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