Monday, September 19, 2016

Gaslighter In Chief

President Obama gave his farewell address to the Congressional Black Caucus on Saturday night, as bombs were exploding in New York and New Jersey. Black voters are a dispirited group this cycle, breaking for Donald Trump in double digits. Maybe that is the hangover from Hillary's "superpredator" comments years ago.

Obama told the crowd that he considered their disloyalty "a personal insult, an insult to my legacy." Perhaps Obama should have spent more time lowering barriers to black achievement and less time pushing antagonistic social issues.

He started the evening in a light-hearted mood, saying, "there's an extra spring in my step tonight." What makes Obama so happy? A favorite tactic of the narcissist is gaslighting, where any natural curiosity about them is portrayed as some sort of obsessive mental illness. Skepticism about Obama's birthplace gets you placed in the bin as a paranoid conspiracy theorist.

"I am so relieved that the whole birther thing is over," he said.

The "birther thing" that his team nurtured for years? I doubt very much he wants it to go away.

"ISIL, North Korea, poverty, climate change — none of those things weighed on my mind — (laughter) — like the validity of my birth certificate."

Why did he frame it this way? Why frame this about his birth certificate rather than his place of birth? Remember, his birth certificate wasn't released until 2011, and its validity still raises doubts.

Obama himself sustained the controversy by waiting three years to release his birth certificate. This has promoted the narrative that wondering where Obama was born was racist. That helps gin up black voter turnout.

The liberal media has promised that the apostasy about Obama's provenance will not go away on their watch. Trump or any of his surrogates should just be captured on video, as often as possible, drinking out of this cup.

The President's college records are still under seal. I wonder if the seal will be broken in time for the opening of the Barack H. Obama Presidential Library.

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