Sunday, July 17, 2016

Weaponized Stupidity

Progressives will always tell you what they are afraid of. Jessica Valenti is afraid of guns. She's really afraid of women and guns. This is a rational fear, since firearms are an electoral wedge issue, and unmarried women comprise such a huge electoral bloc.

Dana Loesch begins her video by saying, "Here's a message to every rapist, domestic abuser, violent criminal thug, and every other monster who preys upon women." Loesch enunciates each word like a round coming from her .38.

Loesch is being emotionally evocative, and that should resonate with women. I would also like to see a video of a woman talking calmly and rationally about how having a firearm saved her life. There is a commenter in Valenti's thread who simply states, "I had a male, military- trained stalker: my gun literally saved my life. Sorry to destroy your narrative."

What does Valenti think is so absurd? "Domestic violence victims are much, much more likely to be killed if there is a gun in the house - no matter who it belongs to."

This is virtually impossible to fact-check. What about women who are trained in the use of firearms in the first place? Not too much overlap between that population and the cohort of women who are domestic violence victims.

Ok, Jessica, what else? "Given the way rape victims are blamed for even coming forward, do we really think culture would be fine and dandy with them SHOOTING DUDES."

Really? Rape victims are blamed for coming forward? I guess attorneys should not be allowed to cross-examine female rape complainants.

"Marissa Alexander fired a warning shot at her abuser and was sent to jail. Where was the NRA then?"

Really, Jessica? Marissa Alexander went to Rico Gray's house, where they had an argument. She deescalated the argument by going to the garage. She then brought her gun into the house, confronted Gray, and discharged her firearm in the direction of Gray's head and their two children. That's not a warning shot. It's assault. If Alexander's sentence was excessive, blame mandatory minimums.

The most powerful message in Loesch's video is the co-opting of the "pro-choice" language of the abortion activists. Loesch warns that anyone who wants to victimize a woman be prepared, because it's increasing likely that she is "ready to exercise her right to choose her life over yours."

"This is what real empowerment looks like."

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