Friday, July 15, 2016

Groundhog Day

Another day, another Salafist jihadi rampage. We are being conditioned to accept and rationalize the occasional outburst of violence in the name of pluralism. Unless the violence is committed with a firearm, that is. Then, we are lectured about how evil guns are.

Well, a Tunisian named Mohamed has used a large truck to murder people in Nice, France, who were gathering to watch Bastille Day fireworks. Since there is no gun to obsess over, the media narrative has to be modified. Now, we have to be cautioned that the desire to retaliate against Muslims is just what they want!

Sally Kohn posted a link to an article in The Intercept, titled Islamic State’s Goal: "Eliminating the Grayzone" of Coexistence Between Muslims and the West. The author, Murtaza Hussain, cites a February 2015 article in Dabiq, the Islamic State's online magazine, which followed the Charlie Hebdo massacre.

The Islamic State endorsed the Charlie Hebdo attack because it "eliminated the grayzone," which represented coexistence between religious groups. Thus, Muslims living in the West would no longer be welcome in their own societies, and this would lead to a spiral of violence. The ultimate goal of the Islamic State is to generate "hostility between domestic Muslim populations and the broader societies that they live in."

Hussain asks Western countries to "reaffirm unity for their own Muslim populations." They should also "recommit to the military effort against Islamic State enclaves in Iraq and Syria, making clear that there is no contradiction to embracing Muslims at home while fighting terrorists abroad."

Those "terrorists abroad" are still Muslim and their blood will be spilled by "crusaders."

We should acknowledge that the goal of the jihadi is just to kill. Think of it this way. If Islamic State could get their hands on a nuclear weapon or a radiological device, they would use it to kill as many people as possible. Then, when they celebrate their "victory," would they be celebrating the inevitable backlash against the moderate Muslims living in the West, or would they be celebrating the death toll? Certainly the latter.

Acts of violence are not meant to sow xenophobia. That notion is straight out of the faculty lounge at Columbia University.

That's why the professor in the White House lectured us today not to "let ourselves be divided by religion because that's exactly what terrorists want."

The "grayzone," as an area of coexistence, is despised by the Islamic State. They divide the world into the Caliphate and the West. The Islamic State wants all Muslims to decide where they stand. They called for the murders of Muslim leaders who marched in the anti-terror rally in Paris.

Dabiq wrote that there is great reward awaiting the Muslim in the Hereafter if he kills these apostate imām.

Maybe there is a better way. Either go all in and declare war, and wipe them out, or stay completely out.

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