Monday, April 11, 2016

Lawfare On Energy Producers

America is being run by people who think we are all idiots. The biggest lie that came out of Obama's mouth during his interview with Chris Wallace yesterday was Obama's comment about the importance of people being "involved" in our "democracy."

"My whole, you know, operating assumption, in terms of our democracy, is the more people are involved, the more they know, the more they are involved, the more responsive our government is." Actually, our ruling class prefers us to be ignorant at worst, and at best, indoctrinated through the government-run educational system.

Take the example of "climate change." Focus-group tested messaging and EPA regulations aren't getting us out of our cars, so the government wants to punish energy producers.

It began last May, when Rhode Island Democratic Senator Sheldon Whitehouse wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post. His premise, that oil companies are deceiving the public about the dangers of their product.

Just like the tobacco companies did.

Whitehouse proposed that oil companies be sued using racketeering laws, under RICO statutes. The oil companies have funded research that "contradicts the vast majority of peer-reviewed climate science."

Then a few months later, Congress asked the SEC to investigate Exxon-Mobil's climate disclosures. They contend that Exxon-Mobil knew way back in the 1970's that there was "a threat of global warming from the burning of fossil fuels." The scientific consensus in the 1970's was that we were entering a new ice age, but oh well.

The pattern is starting to emerge. It is not co- incidental that congressional Democrats, the Justice Department and the regulatory apparatus are all focusing on energy producers. This is straight from the White House. Look at the White House visitor's logs to see who is meeting with Valerie Jarrett.

The most recent effort by the Progressive Industrial Complex to put energy companies in the dock was revealed last week. Seventeen state attorneys general vowed to fight fossil fuel industry fraud. They were flanked by the Climate Change Pimp Daddy himself, Al Gore. They aim to fight the "confusion" and "misrepresentation" being fed to the public.

"There is no dispute, but there is confusion," New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said.

"Part of the problem has been one of public perception," Connecticut Attorney General George Jepson said.

"Every night on the news it’s like a nature hike through Revelations," Al Gore said.

Wait, the problem is that the messaging hasn't been coherent, except for all the biggest news outlets nightly pursuing an alarmist agenda?

The problem for the alarmists is that climate skeptics are perfectly aware of the fraud being perpetrated by the alarmists. At a House hearing last month, Rep. Lamar Smith scolded NOAA for failing to respond to a document subpoena from November. All NOAA is doing is adjusting "weather station, buoy and ship data upwards to correct for “biases” they claimed was causing thermometers to show less warming than is actually occurring."

Adjusting data?

Meanwhile, one of the biggest frauds pushed on America, Obamacare, should have the SEC's attention, but doesn't. If a stockholder materially affected by non-disclosure from Exxon-Mobil warrants SEC investigation, what about United Healthcare? They are warning just now that they may lose more than a billion dollars from Obamacare. Because people are signing up outside the enrollment period and demanding healthcare services. That's how the law was designed, and everybody saw this coming. Aetna is also forecasting eleven-digit losses. Where are the lawmakers demanding investigations of health insurers?

"Obamacare will be great for insurers because they will have millions of new customers," is a material misrepresentation, just like fraudulent climate science.

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