Saturday, February 13, 2016

Scratch A Feminist...

...and underneath you will find a fascist. Every single time.

I came across a story this week, about a young woman who was sexually assaulted at San Diego City College. Finally a bona-fide campus sexual assault story! On Tuesday, the young woman was swelling with anticipation for Valentine's Day. Somewhere across town, a young man was experiencing stirrings of passion as well.

They hooked up on Tinder, and arranged to meet "in real life" in front of campus. She got into his car, and he drove to a parking garage and assaulted her, allegedly. He also had a machete sitting on the back seat of his Dodge Charger. The suspect, known as "Benjamin" from his Tinder profile, is apparently still at large.

I say with all sincerity that I feel bad for this girl.

I would just like to ask, why didn't this girl know not to get into a strange boy's car?

Tinder does not scrutinize people for personality disorders. That responsibility is supposed to rest upon the shoulders of the father of the unmarried woman. Ok, so, that element of the patriarchy is outdated. It's more likely than not that she grew up without a male authority figure in her home.

But what about the vast repository of experiential knowledge available to her? The cautionary tales and folk wisdom passed down from aunts and grandmothers? Our elders used to pass down wisdom in this fashion, and women especially benefited from this communitarian system.

Once upon a time, her auntie would have thought to herself, that going alone with the boy in his car was "asking for it." Today, even thinking that way is forbidden. Today, young woman strip down to their underwear and carry signs that read "Still Not Asking For It." They have mistakenly interpreted the meaning of the word "it." "It" can mean misfortune, not just unwanted sexual attention.

The operant conditioning of females currently underway undermines existing communitarian knowledge. This is being done to advance the preferred power structure of today's femininsts, authoritarianism.

Everywhere you look there is confirmation of this. Former Clinton Administration Secretary of State Madeleine Albright is campaigning for Hillary. Albright said that "There is a special place in hell for women who don't help other women." This is equivalent to accusations of witchcraft and sorcery in Puritan America.

Perhaps a bit hyperbolic? Consider that most of the accusations of witchcraft in Salem were from other women. We've passed the point where feminists would ostracize you if you didn't call yourself a "feminist." Now we are at the point where if you are not an intersectional feminist, then you are not a "real feminist."

Sorcery too sketchy a comparison? Certainly, then, lack of adherence to feminist orthodoxy can be considered heresy.

Even disagreeing with a feminist is a criminal offense. Gregory Alan Elliott had to suffer prosecution for mean tweets.

Mansplaining will be a punishable offense.

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