Saturday, January 09, 2016

How To Cologne Stories About Muslims

The stories about coordinated New Year's Eve attacks by Muslims on women in the German city of Cologne keep getting worse. The first stories dribbled out around the fifth of January, and were about dozens of women being systematically groped by gangs of men. There were even a few reports of forcible rape.

Today, we know that the German media spiked the story, because they didn't want to offend their favorite new protected class, the estimated one million "refugees" that arrived in 2015.

The alleged victim toll keeps rising. As of this writing, there have been 379 criminal complaints filed in Cologne.

And it wasn't just Cologne. Systematic attacks, which included assailants who entered Europe posing as "refugees," occurred in scores of cities all over Germany and Europe.

When all is said and done, it's possible the number of individual attacks will number in the tens of thousands.

The story out of Cologne has the unmistakable whiff of the systematic rapes of underage girls in Rotherham, England.

The way the media is treating Cologne is also evocative of the way they are treating the story about Rose Hamid, the Muslim activist who managed to get kicked out of a Donald Trump rally. She is described as a "flight attendant" who did nothing more provocative than "silently protesting" The Donald.

Funny how the media swarmed to protect Hillary when someone at one of her rallies tried to ask about Juanita Broaddrick. Like ABC's Liz Kreutz, who tweeted that,

What will the media do when Donald Trump or a debate moderator asks about any one of her husband's accusers, or Hillary's repeated defamations and character assassinations of them? I know, they will swarm to protect her like white blood cells attacking a bacterial invader. Well, too many white blood cells are a signal of blood cancer, and a fatal disease for the body politic.

It's like the media sees a turd and spritzes perfume on it. Media sommeliers will detect notes of partially digested shit being covered up with a sickly sweet smell. Getting a steaming turd to smell merely as bad as cat piss is considered an upgrade.

Pathological behavior being defended by the media is, oh what's the word, oh yeah, it's like an obsession. Unless the behavior is being conducted by a white republican male.

Case in point, tweets like this one from Laurie Penny, who claim that those who would ostensibly protect women only do so when it provides an opportunity to criticize The Other.

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