Saturday, January 09, 2016

Muslims Hate Trump

So a muslim woman was escorted out of a Donald Trump rally yesterday. I love how the media is framing this for the tender sensibilities of their impressionable consumer-bots.

Openly Marxist Think Progress described what happened as Muslim Woman Gets Kicked Out of Donald Trump Rally For Being Muslim.

This media attempt to incite outrage lacks the cultural legitimacy of criticizing harassment of people suspected of driving while black. In fact, it's going to invite backlash, because the woman involved, Rose Hamid, is devoid of sympathy.

Every media source identifies Rose Hamid as a "flight attendant." Well, a two-second google search turns up a Rose Hamid who is described as "president of Muslim Women of the Carolinas." In other words, Rose Hamid is a political activist. Will anyone report THIS?

If there is any video of the events leading up to Hamid's ejection, Think Progress isn't showing it. Better to show her being led out, while she comments on the events later via satellite.

Think Progress claims that Donald Trump has "has stoked antipathy against Muslims by calling for a total ban on Muslim immigration."

Rose Hamid behavior was likely provocative, and she got her desired result. Headlines screaming "muslim woman deported from Trump rally."

Take a close look at the fashion choices made by Hamid. A blue hijab with the phrase, "Salaam I Come In Peace," is perfectly harmless.

A yellow Star of David with the word "muslim" written over it is clearly provocative. The message she is peddling is odious and mendacious. Some Americans want to more closely scrutinize muslim immigrants entering our country. That is being falsely equated to Nazi identification methods for Jews, who were then rounded up and murdered.

We don't need anything else to help us identify muslims. They voluntarily wrap their women in bags.

And even low-information voters know when Godwin's Law has been violated. They know instinctively that muslims hate Jews, and that appropriating a symbol like the yellow Star of David is cynical and manipulative.

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