Sunday, September 13, 2015

The #BlackLivesMatter Shakedown

Is there is a better example of a self-refuting political slogan than #BlackLivesMatter? The movement is silent on the fact that 78 percent of abortion clinics are located in minority communities. The movement is silent on the fact that nearly three out of four black babies are born of single mothers. And the movement is silent on the gangster culture that helps cause thousands of black-on-black homicides every year.

If the movement would address even one of those malignancies, they could count me as an ally.

But they won't, and it's because #BlackLivesMatter is a gigantic shakedown operation. A predictable outcome of hiring a community organizer as President of The United States is the ascendance of the professional activist class.

The activists have descended on the Oakland Whole Foods to extract their mordida. Credulous protesters learned from Yahoo News that a black man was Brutalized by Security Guard at Whole Foods for Trying to Buy Food.

The Whole Foods story relies on a single eyewitness account. She is described as "Zoe Marks, on visit from Edinburgh, Scotland where she lectures at the University of Edinburgh." Sounds like an unbiased witness, a charming visiting scholar who probably has a wee accent! Er, no. She's a Seattle native. And a glance at her Twitter profile shows her interests as "Research and teaching on gender|violence, peace, development, Africa, race, art &hip-hop." In other words, she's a wigger, and has a clear vested interest in gaining the trust and acceptance of those in the #BlackLivesMatter movement.

Marks reportedly gave a report to the Oakland police, claiming that the customer "wasn't shouting at anyone. He wasn't violent or disruptive." However, there are numerous accounts that contradict hers, and the context is missing. For example, both the cashier and security guard are black. There isn't a #racism card to play here.

Colin Flaherty has published an article in American Thinker and posted a Youtube video refuting Zoe Marks' account. Several other witnesses recall that the customer came into the store drunk, and sexually harassed several female shoppers.

He then took it to the next level by spitting in the face of the cashier, and punching her, punching a customer, and spitting in the face of the security guard. One might say that the security guard used a disproportionate amount of force to resolve the situation. Not me.

But the narrative complications are irrelevant to the movement. They have staged repeated protests at the Oakland store, preventing customers from using the checkstands. My favorite new slogan from this protest has to be the one carried by the wigger in this video, which reads, "EBT while Black is not a crime." Whole Foods has been deemed a legitimate target for harassment in part because of owner John Mackey's flavor of libertarian politics: anti-union, anti-fascism.

One thing these #BlackLivesMatter protesters do is shit on the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King said that "Nonviolence [is] the only road to freedom." I don't see shutting down a Whole Foods for an hour as pure nonviolence. And I don't think the movement has a commitment to nonviolence, but rather an open commitment to racial violence.

Time to rename the movement to better signify what it really represents. The ONLY black lives which matter are ones who provide the means to their ends. #ExpedientBlackLivesMatter

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