Monday, September 07, 2015

Obama's Largesse

President Obama celebrated Labor Day by, what else, giving a speech and signing an executive order. The executive order mandates paid sick leave for federal contractors.

One wonders if and when the country will get back to regular order, with Congress making laws.

The White House didn't say where the money would come from, but the Labor Department said that contractors would save money via lower attrition rates and increased worker loyalty. This is based on information that Labor Secretary Thomas Perez pulled out of his ass.

There are many reasons that mandatory paid leave is a bad idea. The country is running half-trillion dollar deficits, for one. If asked, I would tell President Obama that the main reason he shouldn't be so generous with the federal treasury is:

Because It's Not Your Money

It's not your money, Obama. The money belongs to the taxpayers, present and future. It's not yours to give away.

The government should operate more like Amazon. They use technology to reveal "data that allows individual performance to be measured continuously." We get government workers that surf porn all day.

Amazon runs "a continual performance improvement algorithm on its staff." We get an EPA whose former Secretary, Lisa Jackson, used an email account to avoid FOIA scrutiny, under the name Richard Windsor, and whose mission includes trying to regulate cow farts.

At Amazon, "team members are ranked, and those at the bottom [are] eliminated every year. We get enough corruption from the IRS to tilt elections, and even causing an ecological disaster won't get you fired.

Amazon has a phone called the Fire. It's doing so poorly that N1 Wireless is selling an unlocked version for $139.99, which includes a full year of Amazon Prime. The failure of the Fire Phone prompted Amazon to fire almost everybody on the project.

We don't fire presidents. We elect new ones. The current occupant of the White House went to Alaska and took a selfie to show just how far up his own ass his head is. While he was there, police officers were ambushed and murdered, and dead refugee children from Syria washed up in the surf. Heckuva job.

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