Monday, September 21, 2015

San Diego Climate Coercion

Public radio station KPBS carried a story today about commuters, entitled Census Data Shows No Change In Percentage Of San Diegans Who Drive To Work. The anodyne title alone doesn't convey the sense of worry in the newsreader's voice.

San Diego has a "Climate Action Plan," which came as news to me. I thought having a Republican mayor would insulate us from such nonsense, but the plan came from Mayor Kevin Faulconer's office. Faulconer wants San Diego operating on 100 percent renewable energy within twenty years. Jackass.

At least hizzoner didn't include a sought-after provision "for homeowners to make energy efficient upgrades before selling their homes." I'm sure that will happen during the next Democratic administration. Then, if you want to sell your home, you will have to disclose but not repair a cracked slab, but installing energy-efficient windows will be mandatory. I thought a healthy margin providing upgrades was the whole reason house-flipping invited investment.

San Diego is already one of the most expensive cities to own relative to median income, in the world. It's going to get even worse.

Another aspect of Faulconer's Climate Coercion Plan is the goal to get half of San Diego commuters out of their cars in twenty years. They've got a long way to go. Right now, 87 percent of commuters get to work by car.

It's all about the progressive fetish with mass transit and bicycles. And the control fetish. Well, they can all go fuck themselves. I'm not going to schlep myself in the rain to a bus stop, then share a seat with someone for a two hour commute, each way, counting transfers. I know we have traffic congestion; that's why I leave the house at ten, and stay until after seven.

There are allowances being made for party apparatchiks who will get to keep their cars. The city plans to install "30,000 electric vehicle charging stations." It seems like these are mutually exclusive mandates, considering that the grid must be powered by "solar, wind, or hydro." If it's cloudy, there won't be anywhere near enough juice for everything.

Unless they are planning on buying renewable energy from outside the city, at fifteen to twenty cents a kilowatt, and forcing consumers to pay up. Yeah, that's a much better idea than burning clean natural gas for three cents per kilowatt.

Yesterday we had hundred degree temperatures, and SDGE was ordered by Cal-ISO to drop 150 megawatts of load. The reason? An "unexpected" loss of power generation. More than 115,000 customers were dark for hours.

Yeah, solar and wind will supply peak demand. Sure it will. In the meantime, I'm moving to Idaho.

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