Thursday, September 17, 2015

Islamo Pandering

Clock Boy Ahmed Mohamed has roused the passions of Muslim apologists everywhere. Even President Obama somehow found time to tweet, "Cool clock, Ahmed. Want to bring it to the White House?" If Clock Boy did bring his device to the White House, would it be "islamophobic" to insist that the Secret Service inspect it?

Because it doesn't look like a clock. It looks like a contraption with a bunch of wires.

What do clocks look like? Many clocks have hands and faces. Clock Boy, who already has a Wikipedia Page, is so young, it's possible he doesn't know this. He is a product of the digital age. So Clock Boy attached an LED display to his gadget. Every movie I have ever seen with a bomb in it uses an LED clock attached to the weapon.

My toaster oven has a clock on it, but my toaster oven is not a clock.

So detaining Clock Boy on suspicion of possessing a bomb is racist? The Twitter account @IStandWithAhmed tweeted, "We can ban together to stop this racial inequality." Islam is not a race. Islam is a religious affiliation and political ideology that afflicts persons of every race.

And what about the charges of islamophobia? What is so terrible about profiling? All profiling means is using statistics to quantify probabilities. When was the last time you heard about an Israeli airplane being hijacked?

I assert that maybe the police response didn't go far enough. Ahmed Mohamed's father is a Dallas imam, Mohamed Elhassen Mohamed, who in 2011 debated Terry Jones, the Florida pastor who burned a Koran. Ahmed Mohamed was said by police to be "passive aggressive" under questioning.

Would it be too islamophobic to ask whether any investigator examined the browser history on his phone or computer?

Maybe there wouldn't be so much islamophobia if so many of them weren't trying to kill us. A 2011 Pew Survey found that 22 percent of foreign-born U.S. Muslims believe that bombing kuffar is legitimate.

Maybe Clock Boy's adventure is a dry run for ISIS. CAIR is certainly going to leverage this crisis to their advantage. Their attorneys are meeting with the chief of police and school principal, in the belief that "some of the student's rights may have been violated." What about the rights of Clock Boy's fellow students? Do they have the right to a learning environment free of fear of getting blowed up?

When Obama and CAIR parrot claims of islamophobia, they reveal that they are more afraid of some non-existent backlash against muslims than they are afraid of fanatical muslim murderers.

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