Saturday, May 02, 2015

Shake Down For The Vote

Watching a little CNN coverage of the marches and protests in Baltimore. One thing that was interesting, was that some of the protest organizers are registering people to vote. Before anyone protesting the death of Freddie Gray registers themselves to vote, they should ask themselves one question. Why waste a vote?

Baltimore's current mayor, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, was elected in 2010, receiving 87% percent of the vote. There are dictators, running unopposed, who would envy such a majority. What did the citizens of Baltimore get with the Honorable Rawlings-Blake?

Rawlings-Blake stated proudly that her administration "also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that." The word "inadvertently" would have been a good choice to preface her statement.

Rawlings-Blake allegedly ordered police to "stand down" on Monday night, when destructive people carved a swath through the city. Interesting that CNN ran an ad for CVS Pharmacy just now. CVS Pharmacy on Pennsylvania Avenue was destroyed by arson on Monday night. In a way, CVS Pharmacy is aiding and abetting the destruction of their own property, by sponsoring coverage that amplifies fear and anger.

There has been one Republican mayor of Baltimore in the last seventy years. He left office in 1967. The Democrat machine owns the city and the state. And the Democrat Party takes the black vote for granted. They don't care about education of black citizens. The teacher's union is just a jobs program.

The Great Society that gave us welfare and single motherhood owns Baltimore. How would a voter expect yet another Democrat to offer them opportunities. All Democrats offer is the soft bigotry of low expectations. The latest Democrat initiative is the push to import tens of millions of low-wage, low-skilled workers from Latin America, who will compete for jobs with black workers.

The protesters do have a point about policing. Freddie Gray had a long criminal history. Most of his arrests were drug-related. Someone like Rand Paul could make some inroads by talking about ending the War on Drugs.

I believe the War on Drugs is waged by an over-militarized police that uses deadly force, asset forfeiture and incarceration too much. There should be efforts within the culture to change attitudes about drug abuse. However, ignoring drug use is like ignoring graffiti or broken windows. It breeds more deviant behavior.

It's going to be a long hot summer. The racial tension that Eric Holder, Barack Obama, and Al Sharpton have stirred up to get out the black vote isn't so easy to defuse.

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