Sunday, May 03, 2015

Defenestrate The Nation

Watched a little Face The Nation this morning. Bob Schieffer had a discussion with Sherrilyn Ifill of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, NPR's Michele Norris, National Review's Ramesh Ponnuru, Washington Post's Michael Gerson and Julianne Malveaux. The subject was "Searching for Solutions in Baltimore."

Turned out that Progessive solutions are the only ones being considered.

Julianne Malveaux was wearing eyeglasses with neon purple frames. Malveaux may be best known for her comments in 2007 about the Duke lacrosse case. The day after Attorney General Roy Cooper’s press conference declaring all three players “innocent” and victims of a “rogue” prosecutor, she said, "Those kids don’t deserve an apology. They hired strippers . . . They were known for hooliganistic behavior." In other words, this woman cannot accept the truth, even when it is slapping her upside the head.

Malveaux is also known for wishing for the early death of a Supreme Court Justice with whom she disagrees. She said on her radio program that "I hope his wife feeds him lots of eggs and butter and he dies early like many black men do, of heart disease. Well, that's how I feel. He is an absolutely reprehensible person."

Malveaux's understanding of economics is also suspect. She seems to agree with Elizabeth Warren, who has indicated that she considers $22 an hour (or about $45,000 a year) a living wage. Wages may be sticky downward, but the price of labor is not somehow magically immune from ironclad rules of supply and demand.

I didn't intend for this post to turn into the Julianne Malveaux is a misanthrope rant. Her purple frames really got to me. And Ramesh Ponnuru didn't offer a single conservative opinion. William F. Buckley should turn over in his grave at the attenuation of consequence of National Review.

What I really wanted to focus on was an exchange about Toya Graham, the single mother who smacked around her son during the Baltimore Riots. Malveaux saw the incident as a "beating," and noted that "this beating young people goes back to enslavement." She believes this was a "public humiliation of a young black man" and that it was "excessive."

Malveaux has either never read the Bible, or keeps faith in her talking points. Proverbs 13:24 instructs parents of children that they should punish them with the rod and save them from death. This isn't license to wail away. The example I think of is if a child runs into traffic, they should get a sharp smack on the bottom. To turn away instead, is to sentence them to death.

Toya Graham's son was gamboling in traffic. He was taking a giant shit, right where he should be able to eat. Even my dogs know better than that.

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