Monday, March 22, 2010


The United States House of Representatives has passed a two-thousand, seven hundred page bill in the name of health care reform. I have imposed a total news blackout on myself. No live television or radio since getting off work yesterday. I knew the dreck was going to be passed, so there was no self-delusion. I couldn't bear the proceedings, like watching Ohio State getting mauled by Florida in the championship game, magnified by a billion. Or, in this case, several trillion.

The central argument seems to be whether health care is a right. I certainly believe access to health care is a right: nobody should be turned away from a medical provider. The leftist side of the debate skipped that reality and asserted, instead, that health care should be subsidized or free, that the government should take care of its citizens. Should brain surgery be free, or just checkups? Should my medication be free, even if I have to take twenty different kinds?

Mazel Tov! No citizen with pre-exisiting conditions can be turned down for an insurance policy. Does this mean that I can wait until the house is on fire, then purchase a homeowner's policy? That is not insurance. That will only guarantee that the insurance company will lose money. Within ten years, insurance companies will be regulated utilities or bankrupt, and the country of the United States of America will have socialized medicine.

Countless millions of human beings haven't risked life and limb to come to our shores because of the medical care. The come here because there is an opportunity for anyone to acheive their dreams if they work hard, since this nation is a meritocracy. The left doesn't like that, however. They dream of equality for all. Even if it means equally crappy crap for everyone, because they will be in their ivory tower deeming the size, shape and quantity of crap that everyone should receive.

The media blackout will lift at nine a.m., because I want Rush to break the news to me. Or Dennis. The only emotion I can identify right now is utter dejection, and desolation.

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