Sunday, November 08, 2009

Death Knell of the Republic

I cannot shake the image of Pelosi's shit-eating grin from the gavel photo last night. She looked like the cat who swallowed the canary as she prepared to bring down the gavel on the House. I'll give her her due, a potent legislator.

Clueless as all hell, but potent. I hope and pray that HR 3962 hits the Senate floor with the same sickening thud as Waxman-Markey, and begins to languish and die. I will concede that the House is full of leftocrats and socialists, and any bill is possible there, as long as it contains a few hundred new bureacracies.

This is not about health care, this is about power. This is about the federal government wanting control over every facet of our lives, and liberty.

The spending estimates of this bill were a joke. No mainstream journalist mentioned that the fees begin immediately, while the services don't even begin for five years. That is the only way the ten year estimate came in sounding so reasonable. To them.

This president campaigned on a promise of bipartisanship. Will that be loudly proclaimed since one 'Republican' voted for the bill? Would not be surprised. More likely though, is the inevitable crowing by the other side. They are not good winners. They did not want bi-partisanship, they just wanted to win, and pat themselves on the back. And continue to marginalize anyone who believes in the Constitution, limited government, and liberty.

So today, I am a poor loser. I have that angry, cheated feeling from losing a fight that I know was a good fight, a moral fight. I don't care about any abortion amendments. If and when the bill becomes law, any anti-abortion language will be struck down by our activist judiciary.

The day when it becomes illegal to not have health insurance, as you sit in your own home as a private citizen, is fast approaching.....

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