Or, "So, what you're saying, is that light is a particle, and, it's also a wave, wait, uh, whoaaa..."
Artificial lightin

We have the capability to bathe our surroundings with beneficial wavelengths. Unfortunately, we have chosen to light most of our workspaces with flourescent, for it's great economies of scale. The diagram at left, is a spectrum diagram of the light emitted by some random manufacturer of "cool white" bulbs.
No wonder most plants brought into the office, do not live. The person probably thinks they didn't water enough, or watered too much. Nope. That plant depends on photosynthesis at a particular wavelength, to thrive. The photons cannot be absorbed by the plant at these frequencies.
There is a generous portion of things that we are understanding. There is a vast amount of thin

There is a reason that some plants are green. It is because that plant is absorbing light mostly in the blue and red ends of the visible spectrum, and very little in the green wavelengths. Light in the green wavelengths is reflected, giving us the green leaf color we see.
There is a reason that some people are green. It is partly because that individual is absorbing light of dubious quality, light that comes out of a fragile, noxious cylinder. Snap!
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