Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Put Phenotype Aside

This person is performing a routine centering black queer bodies in intersectional white supremacist spaces. This is an image from the student takeover at Evergreen State College recently.

They claim to be angry because professor Bret Weinstein refused to participate in Evergreen's "Day of Absence." This year, instead of people of color choosing to stay home, they demanded that white people leave campus for the day.

Weinstein has described himself as "deeply progressive." He wrote a letter to Rashida Love informing her that he "would encourage others to put phenotype aside and reject this new formulation."

Love, the Director of First Peoples Multicultural Advising Services, wasn't having it, and why should she? Black women built America, and black women are magic.

Rashida Love has achieved a level of woke that shouldn't even be possible, let alone meaningful.

The students at Evergreen are angry. It may have something to do with the fact that they are students at Evergreen, where the acceptance rate is 98.9 percent. Evergreen isn't anybody's first choice, or even fall-back position.

A smart person would go to community college and build up college credit. A moron goes to Evergreen and pays full price. A full-blown retard takes out student loans and volunteers for a life of indentured servitude for the privilege.

If you watch the video, it looks like a struggle session after the scrap-booking seminar from The Learning Annex. How is Evergreen State College preparing these people for a hostile world? By teaching them how to recycle?

Isn't the point of college to teach you skills that will make you dangerous, rhetorically speaking? Don't you want to be a person to be respected? The only danger an Evergreen alumnus will ever pose is to themselves, or the attendant at the King County needle exchange.

This is the logo for Evergreen State College.

Is there a back story to this, like how a five year old with Down's Syndrome and tremors did this all by themselves, left-handed, in a moving Volkswagon?

This is your problem right here.

Seriously, though, the moral obligation of the trustees of Evergreen State College is to close the campus and refund everyone's tuition.

1 comment:

Jumapili said...

As an evergreen graduate from the late 90's I can fill you in on some back story. Back in the day Evergreen was so desperate to be diverse. Oh it was not about the outcome it was about the journey I was told so many times. It is unbelievable that this desperate need seems to have turned the school into a haven for trans black gangs with white goth girls carrying baseball bats to have their back. What a fucking joke. I am as progressive as the next greener but lawd geezus Rashida shouldn't be working for the state of Washington one more single day! She is a menace to the very ideas she claims to be an advocate to!