Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Why isn't it called Sexual Assault Prevention Month? Or Rape Awareness Month? I have a theory about that, but first things first.

Did you know that today, April 26, is Denim Day? It was inspired by a 1998 decision by the Italian Supreme Court that overturned a rape conviction. The girl wore jeans that were said to be so tight, that "she had to help him remove them, and by removing the jeans it was no longer rape but consensual sex."

Seems like a pretty horrible decision, but it was a ruling based on speculation about the victim's behavior during the attack. The participants in today's #DenimDay are making this about the signals her clothing must have sent to her attacker. That's why they cough up banalities like "clothing is not consent," and "this is not an invitation to rape."

This is Gender Studies boilerplate. Women hate rape culture so much, they are creating networks of institutions dedicated to raising awareness about it.

Along with Title IX coordinators and Diversity Chancellors, there are job opportunities aplenty in the 501(c)(3) non-profit sphere. These have names like Hollaback, Know Your IX, and Callisto, and they cling like barnacles to the wheezing, ponderous ship of fools known as higher education. While all these systems claim to want to end rape culture, what they really want to do is perpetuate themselves.

Callisto's web page has a mission statement of sorts, informing that they are "fighting rape culture by empowering survivors to make the choice that’s right for them." A woman who had her breasts fondled against her will at a frat party is now considered a "survivor." And, she has the choice of reporting the offense to her school or to law enforcement.

Right below Callisto's mission statement is a Donate hyperlink that whisks you to a page that accepts your tax-exempt donation.

Interesting to note that two of the "Founding Institutions," of Callisto are California-based universities. A woman who has had her honor violated at a California university has no choice in reporting. Since 2015, AB 1433 mandates that any report of a violent crime, must be "disclosed to the appropriate local law enforcement." This specifically includes sexual assault.

This may be why sexual assault has all but vanished from California campuses, according to my reading of local news. We won't know for sure until September when the Clery Reports are due. Yet the Rape Racket continues to metastisize. Even the hundreds of lawsuits that are currently pending against universities, and the many decisions against universities, haven't diminished the racketeers.

Rescinding the 2011 "Dear Colleague" letter won't fix this. Nothing short of repealing Title IX will reverse the collective guilt that men face at university. Even if that happens, the discourse is now fixed, and the gender warriors wouldn't have it any other way. Because besides the hatred for men that some gender warriors bring to the battle, there is another reason to perpetuate the Title IX system.

Women are hard wired for exhibitionism, for the hot bright lights of the strip club. And the reason they exalt the victim of unwanted kissing to "survivor" status? The hard wired emotional need for women to imagine they are the helpless victim being stalked by a predator. Don't believe me? What do you think the number one sexual fantasy for women is?

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