Friday, January 27, 2017

March For Life

I spent a good portion of my morning pushing back against women spamming the #MarchForLife hashtag. I guess it makes me angry that people would flood the hashtag with their rationalizations, but I spam regressive hashtags, too. It got tiresome quickly, because I realized how pointless it all is. Arguing with women is pointless to begin with, because they rely on situational ethics and relative morality. You literally cannot get someone to admit that abortion amounts to taking a life without due process. I found there were some talking points that kept coming up.
This is a very common talking point. You say you are pro-life but you are anti-immigrant. You don't want to let in Syrian refugees. Right, but I don't want to murder refugees that apply here. Somehow if we say "no" to a Syrian refugee, we are signing their death warrants. I guess Laura hadn't heard that "refugees" are taking their welfare benefits back to the countries they fled from and having a holiday there.Unborn babies are equivalent to people who commit pre-meditated murder?
This last one is a variation on George Carlin's talking points about conservatives, that they don't care about you until you reach military age.Planned Parenthood can't possibly get more despicable, can they? Well, calling today's march the #MarchOfLies is pretty shameful. Life is a lie?I get that there are too many children in poverty, and foster care, but somehow the solution is to liquidate them before it causes such pangs to our consciences?

I know that today I should celebrate all the people who sacrificed their comfort to speak for those who cannot. I guess my heart is also really full of hatred for those who excuse the barbarity. I walk around in my daily life and when I see a young woman, I think to myself, she has probably had an abortion, and maybe she did feel relief and not shame. I'm supposed to feel good that so many women value the fruit of their womb so lightly? How?

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