Sunday, January 15, 2017

Gay Mafia Strikes Again

More people tolerate homosexuals, and more people identify as homosexual, than ever before. The most recent Gallup poll claims to show that 4.1% of Americans identify as LGBT. The cohort that most strongly identifies as LGBT is Millennials.

Millennials (born between 1980 and 1998) reported LGBT identification at 7.3 %, an increase of twenty-five percent (1.5 percentage points) just since 2012. Millennials also help drive general acceptance of homosexual relationships and marriage, with more Americans believing they are "never wrong," than believe they are "always wrong," for the first time.

We have the public school system and the mass media to thank for the changes in attitudes. Television shows like Modern Family falsely portray faggots as totally virtuous, and monogamous. This cultural imperatives of "acceptance" probably explains a great deal of the shift, although one may suspect other, more biological factors. This is a cohort whose mothers and who themselves use hormonal birth control, SSRI, and marijuana, and were also expected to grow up without both male and female role models.

When we are presented with "wholesome" images of homosexual relationships, like cringeworthy Cheerios commercials, the intent is to elicit sympathy to dykes and faggots. But they don't present the whole, shameful picture.

They don't show you the Jennifer Hollidays. If her story was properly contextualized, I have a feeling more people would feel outraged.

First of all, I reject the notion that performing at the inaguration, any inaguration, is, as Kevin Fallon states, "a political act." It's an invitation you don't turn down. But targeting a performer who accepts this invitation is a nakedly political act, and it only comes from the left.

They can't stand anyone who represents popular culture being seen with their political enemies. Homosexuals are the most hostile enforcers of this in-group code. But why target Trump? He is bringing "Caitlyn" Jenner to his inaguration parties, and was famously photographed during the campaign holding a rainbow flag.

It's because of Mike Pence, otherwise known as Trump's impeachment insurance. Fallon points, without attribution, to Pence's "opposition to allocating funding for H.I.V./AIDS patients," and then pulls out his ace, Pence's "support of gay “conversion therapy."

Mike Pence's "support of gay conversion therapy" is based on a statement posted to a campaign website in 2000. In the year 2000, there were probably Democrats who would have endorsed the same thing. The statement read,

"Congress should support the reauthorization of the Ryan White Care Act only after completion of an audit to ensure that federal dollars were no longer being given to organizations that celebrate and encourage the types of behaviors that facilitate the spreading of the HIV virus. Resources should be directed toward those institutions which provide assistance to those seeking to change their sexual behavior."

Mike Pence wasn't referring to homosexual acts, he was referring to the compulsive behaviors that are celebrated in the gay community. Twenty-eight percent of homosexual men have more than 1,000 sexual partners, and those are invariably anonymous and unprotected.

Why is teen smoking treated like a public health crisis, but the large and growing numbers of homosexual men engaging in unprotected sex in public places can't even be criticized?

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