Saturday, November 12, 2016

Insert Meaningless Platitude Here

Jeep started running this commercial for their luxury Grand Cherokee a couple of months ago. Now, I do love me some aspirational consumerism, but it seemed a bit odd that they would use an old Yusuf Islam song to get your toes tapping and into dealerships.

You know, Cat Stevens, who went full Islamic but is attempting to re-enter the mainstream, in spite of many controversial statements, like these:

"I would have hoped that it’d be the real thing," when informed that protesters were burning an effigy of Salman Rushdie. "He must be killed. The Qur'an makes it clear – if someone defames the prophet, then he must die."

The Jeep Cherokee may be the only major automaker whose spokesman would declare a fatwa on their own customer, should they affix a "Mohamed was a Pedophile" bumper sticker, instead of the ubiquitous "COEXIST".

And don't you love the empty, factually inaccurate platitude in the Jeep ad's subtitle? "What unites us is stronger than what divides us." It's as vapid as references to "our shared values" that Obama's speechwriters constantly fall back on.

And it's horse shit. The force that pulls us apart is entropy, and it explains why the universe is flying away from its place of origin at the speed of light. The gradual decline into disorder is inevitable and the force that resists that decline must constantly be nurtured and rejuvenated.

Otherwise, you get shit like this. This is a nice, white woman, resident of Portland, just trying to get somewhere. She has had her windshield and the exterior of her rig smashed up with a baseball bat.

"Hey, is that the Cherokee with the Summit trim? Yeah? I could tell by the hand-crafted leather heated seats and suede headliners."

The civil war is well begun, though not with skirmishes between left and right, but rather between the forces of the far left (disorder) and the Ann Althouse-types of the center-left (order).

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