Monday, October 10, 2016

Nesting Pairs Celebrate Barren Nests

The story today is about young couples having parties to celebrate the male partner having a vasectomy.

"Instead of baby showers, couples now invite friends for 'car showers' or 'boat showers' in honor of the toys they'll buy with the money they save."

A car starts depreciating the moment you drive it off the lot. Signing the loan docs and turning the key takes a thousand dollars off its value. Within a few years, the thing is consumed and is worth no more than the sum of its parts.

It's evocative of the movie, The Island, where humans are raised just to be spare parts for other people. In a way, people who give themselves over to a consumer lifestyle are just consumables themselves. Their life has no more meaning than that of an office five-in-one printer/fax machine that just exists, one day to be thrown away or parted out.

It's very telling that couples are celebrating the destruction of the man's virility. Chances are, a man that submits to this is a beta male who would be perfectly willing to raise another other man's children, anyway.

The woman gets to keep her procreative ability and sexual market value intact. She can walk away the second a higher status male appears. The fact that a man would subject himself to this procedure is proof enough that his feminization occurred long ago.

These "vasectomy parties" are like going-away parties for a man's virility. It's nice to have support when you go through an experience like this. There are people who will hold your hand and tell you that you are doing the right thing.

But these people won't want you around when they start having families. They will want to hang out with other parents.

And they sure won't be around when you say your final bon voyage. That is going to be a solo trip. There won't even be anyone around to scatter your ashes.

Instead of getting a vasectomy, why not just donate your organs today? Give them to someone who will actually use and appreciate them.

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