Friday, July 29, 2016


Want to promote school curricula devoted to your favorite pathology? All you have to do is label any healthy, normal aversion to it as a "phobia."

Take "homophobia." What once was seen as a healthy revulsion towards other peoples' shit-holes is now called an irrational fear.

The Germans are determined to set young minds right about this. A German regional education ministry has joined with LGBT activists to promote "anal sex practices," for middle school-aged children.

Parents in Stuttgart and Hamburg have protested, and thousands more have signed petitions against promoting such "sexual diversity." But how long will the authorities allow such expressions? Advocates for perversity are also using "hate speech" laws to deter opposition.

What about other "phobias?"  The San Diego Unified School District has voted unanimously to create a "plan to address Islamophobia and bullying of Muslim students."

This plan will certainly cost several hundred thousand dollars to devise and implement.  They should simply enact a district-wide, zero-tolerance policy for abuse and harassment.

But they can't, because what they really want to do is carve out special protections for Muslim students. The Council on American-Islamic Relations is a stakeholder, and CAIR will insert language that holds that any criticism of their religion amounts to a personal insult against Mohammed.

This is creeping Sharia, in which any criticism of Mohammed is deemed punishable, in this case with suspensions and expulsions.

In the meantime, accommodations will be made for Muslim students, such as prayer rooms on school grounds. The only religion that merits "separation of church and state" is Christianity.

Also, non-Muslim students are going to need a certain level of exposure to Islam. We will be told that this will lessen "bullying" of Muslim students. Never mind that what a school administrator labels "bullying" is often just teasing. All they have to do is assert the interest of "protecting the children."

Sometimes the Islamic exposure sounds relatively innocuous, like the Virginia high school assignment on why "calligraphy was religiously significant to Muslims."   But this lesson included having students write the Arabic verse, "There is no god but God, and Mohammed is his messenger."

In Georgia, the Five Pillars of Islam are "benchmarks in the state curriculum," according to Dr. Michael Blasewitz.   They distribute textbooks with Islamic prayers that students are required to learn.

I wonder if middle-schoolers will be taught that the meaning of the word, "Islam," is "submission." Because if there is one thing that teenagers like to do, it's submit to authority.

In any case, this diversity and sensitivity training is doomed to fail.   Those students forced to attend invariably develop resentment toward the very group they are being taught to accept.

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