Thursday, May 26, 2016

Cervical Hostility

From Natural Fertility Info, the average ejaculation contains 200 million sperm, but within hours, those numbers have dwindled to just 1/10 of that amount. So what accounts for the reduction?

Cervical mucus is intended to help sperm move toward the egg, but in some cases the mucus will go on the attack instead. It is this phenomenon that came to mind yesterday watching the Twitter feed of ABC Digital News correspondent Liz Kreutz. She is virtually embedded in the Hillary Clinton campaign. And her job seems to be to suppress or ignore any news that doesn't make her candidate look good. If a story is too big to ignore, she will just go to the campaign for their officialese statement.

Yesterday we had the release of a State Department Inspector General audit of Clinton's use of a personal email. They concluded that Clinton "did not comply with the Department’s policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act."

Yet what did Liz Kreutz dig into yesterday, of all days? A sexist was spotted in the wild!

A few tweets later, Liz wrote, "The man would not give his name but some people here identified him as a local high school AP calculus teacher." Kreutz is implying that this man should be identified and lose his job for wrongthink. Has Justine Landed Yet?

A little later on, Kreutz tweeted, "Just reached this man by phone. He confirms he's a high school calc teacher - and now tells me the sign was meant to be a joke." Kreutz spent hours digging into this man's story instead of researching actual news. This is displaying her hostility to anything substantive that will damage Clinton, and a instinct to protect her.

Perhaps that is the sentiment this man is expressing. There are no innate, biological reasons why a woman shouldn't be president. But men are treated differently by society. They are told that they are interchangeable, and disposable. Not women. Women are told that they are special snowflakes, and that they should be protected.

If that was his belief, that women are not fit to be president because people will instinctively shield them from criticism, then I would have to agree. Are you going to come after me now, Liz?

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