Saturday, May 21, 2016

Ace Ventura Banned In Canada?

Canada is preparing to prohibit discrimination based on "gender identity." They are also going to amend the Canadian Criminal Code to prohibit "public speech or communication that 'promotes hatred' on the basis of 'gender identity' or 'gender expression.'"

All it will take is one word that doesn't condone full transgender endorsement to cause offense. The "victim" need only say that they feel "unsafe." It may be something as small as mispronouncing their preferred gender pronoun.

Canadian lawmakers have no idea how much power this will give the radical left, who are not exactly known for magnanimity anyway. From here, it would be merely incremental to criminalize speech deemed sexist or that denies AGW.

What happens when a licensed medical doctor refuses to issue a prescription for puberty-delaying hormones? We'll be in the position where we can't punish a doctor who performs an abortion at thirty weeks but we can jail one for refusing to mutilate healthy genital tissue.

What happens when Netflix receives the list of transphobic movies from GLAD? In the movie Ace Ventura, Jim Carrey pukes in a toilet and scrubs his mouth with a toothbrush when he realizes he kissed a trap female.

Perhaps that segment can be edited out of the new, bowdlerized Canadian version of Ace Ventura. But some classic movies have "transphobic" themes that are crucial to the plot. In the movie Silence Of The Lambs, the psychopathic murderer is revealed to be a transsexual.

"What is the first and principal thing he does?"

"Anger, um, social acceptance, and, huh, sexual frustrations, sir..."

"No! He covets. That is his nature."

Banning Silence Of The Lambs and editing Ace Ventura are the tip of the iceberg. Just googling "transphobic movies" yields 232,000 results.

When the radical left has control over what you cannot see, they also get control over what you will see. And you will see mainstreaming of the transgender agenda (transgenda?) in every aspect of the culture. Television, movies and higher education are already there.

Check out this video of college students so afraid of potentially offending someone, they can't even say whether men and women are different.

Expect public secondary schools to begin teaching this garbage, and popular media to continue to promote gender fluidity and bisexuality. It's designed to remove all traces of gender in order to destroy the nuclear family unit.

Because the family is the only truly free institution, and because, as Karl Marx said, the family is a vehicle of class oppression.

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