Thursday, March 24, 2016

State Property

Children have a biological imperative to become rebellious as teenagers. After a childhood of identifying with their parents, teenage behaviors prepare them to separate from their family and begin their independent lives.

Until recently, the state had no interest in promoting the defiance of young people against their family. It seems the government has grown large enough to take an interest. Witness the state sponsorship of the transgender agenda.

In Michigan, the State Board of Education has published guidance that allows "all students, regardless of parental or doctoral input, to choose their gender, name, pronouns, and bathrooms."

"The responsibility for determining a student’s gender identity rests with the student. Outside confirmation from medical or mental health professionals, or documentation of legal changes, is not needed," the Board's draft document says.

Outside confirmation from medical professionals is not needed.

The Board may not be aware that the American College of Pediatricians has flatly stated that Gender Ideology Harms Children. The American College of Pediatricians' statement includes an official position that, "a person’s belief that he or she is something they are not is, at best, a sign of confused thinking."

Confused young people are nothing new. A school board that is reluctant to support parent's autonomy over their children is novel, though. "When contacting the parent/guardian of a transgender or GNC student," the Board advises, "school staff should use the student’s legal name and the pronoun corresponding to the student’s assigned sex at birth, unless the student or parent/guardian has specified otherwise."

The school board retains the right to identify your child.

This issue is a lot deeper than who uses what bathroom or locker room, although there is guidance for that, too. The Board advises that, "a student should not be required to use a locker room that is incongruent with their gender identity." What about students that are bothered by someone of the opposite sex changing clothes near them? They can request "an adjusted changing schedule or use of a private area in the facility."

So, the normies have to adjust their behavior.

This push for "transgender" "rights" is not advocacy for anyone's natural right to be gender confused. It is a flanking maneuver by cultural marxists to destroy the family. Once parents lose the right to raise their children the way they see fit, their children become property of the state.

Homosexual marriage advocates never really wanted gay marriage, they just wanted to redefine marriage to inevitably dissolve it. If any "loving" union can be a marriage, then marriage is no longer an institution concerned with raising the next generation.

The wholesale attenuation of traditional values always begins with colonization of the language. Gender pronouns, problematic. Misgendering someone, a slur. Then the media continues the preference cascade. It's like a poker player's tell. Once you see it, you can't un-see it.

The family has always represented the ultimate bastion of liberty against state encroachment. Now that the walls are really coming down, the collectivization can begin in earnest.

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