Saturday, March 19, 2016

Smile! God Loves You!

What would we do without feminists? We would be totally lost sometimes, not knowing all their little triggers and micro-agressions. Last year there was a mini-hysteria over catcalling women. Interacting with a woman on the street can now be construed as sexual harassment. A thousand slut-walks brought forth ten thousand memes, such as, "Still Not Asking For It," and "My Little Black Dress Doesn't Mean Yes."

It doesn't mean "no," either. For lots of men, a miniskirt says, "perhaps."

One of the things we learned during the catcall mania is that you must never remind a woman to smile. Joe Scarborough "demanded" a smile from Hillary, and received Twitter's explosive rage in response.

If you click on Joe's tweet, you will see the birth of a hashtag, #SmileForJoe, and images of all stripe of succubi, imps, hellions, hags and goblins.

Alpha Harridan Hillary is running for President Of The United States. Her flying monkeys spring into action at the tiniest perceived slight. The week before last, they displayed their fury at Bernie Sanders asking her if he could finish speaking. "Excuse me, I'm talking," Sanders said. And this week, Joe Scarborough practically assaulted her by "telling" her to smile. Maybe the President-In-Waiting and her little monsters could show a little forbearance?

Hillary keeps reminding us of the historic nature of her campaign. The first woman President. As if by merely being a woman she brings capacities unavailable to her male rivals. A woman's smile tells us that she is warm and nurturing.

NPR's Melissa Block doesn't seem to have the answer, but she thinks it is related to "not-so well-intentioned, unsolicited sidewalk advice." Block lamented that this week, Hillary's "smile was also fair game for comment."

Block continues, "I even spent some time this week reading scientific studies that measure the correlation between social power and gender and smiling. Or, as one study defined it, 'how the ideas of license and obligation translate into the micro-reality of facial expression.'"

So she's got nothing. Other than it's just like being harassed on the street.

Hey Melissa? Frown! God Hates You!

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