Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Don't Let The Door Hit You On The Way Out

The latest celebrity to announce their relocation plans due to the rise of Donald Trump is none other than Keith Olbermann. He wrote an opinion piece for the Washington Post stating that he was going to move out of his New York City apartment building.

"I’m getting out because of the degree to which the very name 'Trump' has degraded the public discourse and the nation itself," he said.

Olbermann knows about degrading the public discourse. In 2009, he called Michelle Malkin a "big mashed-up bag of meat with lipstick on it."

But hey, at least we're talking about Keith Olbermann again!

Trump Derangement Syndrome hasn't affected just cow college graduates and NRO cuckservatives upset at their rice bowls getting broken. Entertainment icons have signaled to the lesser members of the tribe just how disappointed they are at Trump's popularity.

Samuel L. Jackson said that, "if that motherfucker becomes president, I'm moving my black ass to South Africa." It is for this reason alone that I pray that G-d's will is for Trump to become president. I need to see Jackson virtue-signaling in Soweto, Cape Town, or Pretoria. I have lived a virtuous life and I deserve this.

Cher has announced that if Trump is elected, she's moving to Jupiter. My serene joy is knowing that I will probably outlive Cher, and I get to have the image of her expiring in a puddle of her piss and shit while clasping the hand of the daughter who spackled over her twat.

The "reverend" Al Sharpton said, "I'm also reserving my ticket to get out of here if he wins." I hope Donald Trump sends his weaponized IRS to frog-march Al Sharpton to federal prison for tax evasion as his very first executive act.

Jennifer Lawrence said that Donald Trump winning would be, "the end of the world." She should busy herself with a husband and baby.

Whoopi Goldberg said, "Maybe it's time for me to move." Whoopi seems to understand that physical movement is important for good mental health. It's clear that she doesn't get enough physical exertion, like her ancestors did.

And America's sweetheart, Hannah Montana, said she gon' "move out da country" if Trump is elected. Calgary awaits, Miley!

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