Tuesday, March 01, 2016

All The Cat Ladies

Rebecca Traister's book All The Single Ladies is coming out. She retweeted an excerpt from the book, remembering how she hated the part of Little House On The Prairie where Laura gets married.

"Laura's story was coming to a close. The tale that was worth telling about her was finished once she married."

This brings to mind the righteous feminist rage after Adele declared, "When I became a parent, I felt like I was truly living. I had a purpose, where before I didn’t."

Traister's new book puts her in the pantheon of feminists right up there with Gloria Steinem. The premise of All The Single Ladies is that men are unnecessary for feminine fulfillment. The presence of mood hormones in semen puts the lie to that.

Women who never marry condemn themselves to lives that are nasty, brutish, and short.

One out of three unmarried mothers live in poverty.

A child growing up in a two-parent home has much better chances than a single-parent home. A single mother is the biggest predictor of a child's future poverty.

Unmarried women have a twenty-three percent higher mortality risk than married women. Single women die earlier.

And unmarried women are unhappy. Since Andrea Dworkin and Catharine MacKinnon ushered in the era of sanctioned misandry, women's happiness has been declining, both in absolute terms and relative to men. For thirty-five years now, women have been buying a bill of goods and all we have to show for it is generations of them wearing hostile resting face.

I'm sure Rebecca Traister has the answers. More government programs for women and unmarried mothers, right? Paid family leave, paid maternity leave, etc. This won't alleviate anyone's suffering. All it will do is encourage more women to become single mothers. If you want more of something, subsidize it.

Rebecca, how can you call yourself a feminist if you advocate lifestyles that make them poor and miserable?

Nobody wants to take WIC out of a baby's mouth. But the price we're paying is erosion of social cohesion. America used to have informal institutions to take care of poor people and unmarried mothers. Now all those civic institutions are being replaced with a government program.

Progressives won't volunteer at a soup kitchen because they contribute with their taxes. Which they like because it's not true compassion unless a bureaucrat gets to wet his beak.

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