Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Center For Medical Progress Indicted

The editors of The New York Times have weighed in.

"One after the other, investigations of Planned Parenthood prompted by hidden-camera videos released last summer have found no evidence of wrongdoing." Just because something is legal doesn't mean it is moral or right.

David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt were indicted on one felony charge each. Tampering with government records. The grand jury that returned the indictments gave no details on the charge, but the New York Times says they are "probably connected to their alleged use of fake driver’s licenses to get into a Planned Parenthood office."

They used a fake ID? Every third college kid in America uses a fake ID to get into a club.

They used a fake ID? Ten million job-stealing, wage-devaluing Latino immigrants use fake ID's and social security cards to steal jobs from native-born workers and depress their wages.

The New York Times concludes that "The indictments should cause politicians to back away from an anti-abortion group that will stop at nothing to attack Planned Parenthood."

Pro-life politicians represent constituents who are convicted that the unborn were unfairly stripped of their due process rights in Roe v. Wade. They also represent their conscience. The Abortion Industrial Complex wants to tar pro-life people of conscience with the "guilt-by-association" fallacy.

I've seen charts that link Center For Medical Progress with Family Research Council. Fantastic! The foundation of the republic is the family, and I support both organizations.

The New York Times referred to the information revealed by the full-length, unedited videos release by Center For Medical Progress as "falsehoods."

Planned Parenthood delayed and altered abortion procedures to maximize the viability of fetal organs, then sold the organs and shipped them across state lines. Research facilities had to be told beforehand to make sure they knew the box coming via courier contained severed baby heads. That meets the criteria of trafficking. Whether the baby parts were profitable or not is a little besides the point.

What the pro-life movement needs is a national organization like the NRA.

Oh, and Center For Medical Progress has been sued in civil court. All I know is, that Planned Parenthood has somehow maintained their public image and approval ratings despite their practices. Now that they have filed suit, they will be subject to the discovery process. Forensic accountants will be able to comb through the financial records of Planned Parenthood and use that information to defend Center For Medical Progress. I'm looking forward to that.

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