Sunday, December 13, 2015

Virtue Signalling

I don't follow Chris Loesch. His wife Dana is a useful human. I like her. Chris seems to be defensive about the use of the word "cuckservative." He tweeted this today, and Brian Cates (@drawandstrike) re-tweeted it.

I like Cates. He is a blogger, but his posts are mostly compendiums of his tweets. It's like reading a transcript of a telephone conversation. Tedious. Or, maybe he's found the format of the future. His Twitter bio states that "BREITBART IS HERE." Why not post a photo of himself and Andrew together? Maybe that will antagonize his total repudiation of Breitbart's namesake.

Milo Yiannapolous is an editor at, and he has called the word "cuckservative" a "gloriously effective insult." It's certainly more direct than Cates' weird insult in his Twitter bio, "Liked Your Mom." Is he saying that my dad was a cuck?

Hmmph. My dad believed that Israel should annex Judea and Samaria and expel all the Arabs. Yes, Arabs. Palestinians are Arabs. My dad was never cucked. My father was a fucking golem.

I replied to Cates' re-tweet that "Politics make strange bedfellows." What I mean, is that maybe we should focus on things we have in common with the Alt-Right. If you bothered to look beyond their surface distrust of the other, what you will find is love. Abiding love of people that are like them.

I encounter these people daily, and some of their expressed views make me cringe. Semitic images superimposed on bars of soap. Oven references. They don't bother me too much because I, too, am a fucking golem. It is necessary to find allies wherever they are, even if some of their viewpoints are repellent.

The most important issue of this election cycle is immigration. Are we a nation that wishes to secure our destiny, or leave it to the tender mercies of our conquerors?

I consider abortion to be a very important issue as well. I happen to believe that cultural will is the best way to chip away at the Abortion Industrial Complex. So, if #BlackLivesMatter were to come out tomorrow against second-trimester abortions, how could I not support them?

By this very same logic, this Jew stands with certain elements of the Alt-Right, for their resistance to the unrestricted immigration so much in favor these days. Because you know what? It doesn't matter how much conservatives virtue-signal to everybody that we are not racist. Prog-tards, muslim cucks and media marxists are going to call us racist anyway.

Stop apologizing.

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