Friday, October 09, 2015

Hillary Clinton, Transgender Activist

Hillary Clinton is calling transgender rights "the civil rights issue of our times." Having the world’s strongest military "doesn’t just mean having the best-trained forces or the biggest arsenal. It means, being a leader on issues like this."

The woman who wants to be Commander-In-Chief thinks the military is just another entitlement program. Protected classes of individuals are to be screened for quicker advancement. Then they can make policy.

It wasn't too long ago that a man with autogynephilia would have been considered 4F, unfit for military service, under the classification of psychiatric disorders. Even the current description of transsexualism, gender dysphoria, is a mental illness. No matter how loudly trans activists say otherwise, if a person requires medication and surgery to treat gender anxiety, then the source of that anxiety is a disorder.

In the long-running TV show, M*A*S*H, a recurring gag was the depiction of Corporal Max Klinger as a guy who would do anything to be discharged. In his case, he wore women's clothes as to demonstrate his lack of fitness for service. He was seeking a Section 8 psychiatric discharge for mental illness, but was denied in an on-going Catch-22 scenario. Anyone who wants to be discharged from military service is obviously not insane.

Good luck getting a character like Max Klinger green-lit today. Trans activists would target the network and their sponsors, camping out on their front lawns if necessary.

Why should the military accept open transsexuals? How does this make the military better and stronger? The answer is, it doesn't. It explicitly weakens combat readiness.

Special accomodations would need to be made to ensure autogynephilic men do not have their feelings hurt. And the majority of the soldiers being accomodated would be autogynephilic men, make no mistake.

Men who want to become women are roughly five times more common than women who want to be men. This might dispel the notion of male privilege. Men wouldn't want to change their gender unless they were receiving positive reinforcement for doing so.

Not only that, but women are twice as likely to identify as bi-sexual than men. The reinforcer in this case is being the recipient of sexual attention from both men and women.

How men and women gratify themselves sexually should have no basis for their induction into military service. Hillary Clinton's advocacy of special accomodations for transsexuals indicates her contempt for military tradition, and renders her unfit for duty as CIC.

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