Thursday, September 03, 2015

Take That, Bibi

PBS Newshour host Gwen Ifill made news yesterday. If legacy media is a cancer on the body politic, then Ifill is an example of its metastasization. News anchors should be like baseball umpires, and like umpires, be anonymous. If the umpire becomes the center of attention, he's doing it wrong.

Ifill tweeted her support for President Obama's Iran deal yesterday.

Note the use of Benjamin Netanyahu's nickname, Bibi. Addressing an adversary by their nickname is a clear sign of contempt. And she didn't even have the courage to tweet him directly. She just tweeted, to her fellow cultists, the ridiculous infographic put out by the Obama regime.

Even the PBS ombudsman was disappointed with Ifill, writing that "to personalize it by saying, 'Take that, Bibi' is, in my book, inexcusable for an experienced journalist." Yet it will be excused. She won't have to apologize, and she won't face censure or reprimand. In fact, she doubled down on her tweet, saying it was just a retweet. "I was retweeting a Marie Harf tweet, perhaps that got lost in translation. You know how retweets work, right?" Good enough for government work.

When did national security take a backseat to partisan loyalty?

I'm having a hard time swallowing this deal. First of all, it's a treaty. Treaties need to be ratified by a two-thirds Senate vote. Obama got around this by claiming the agreement is a "sole executive agreement" between Iran and the United States. An executive agreement can be revoked by the next executive in that case.

Iran's behavior since the deal was agreed to, has been disturbing. Qassem Soleimani, head of Iran's elite military Quds Force, hopped on a plane to Russia immediately. Soleimani is under an international travel ban. Obama is cool with sanctioned Iranian military officials flying to Russia and discussing S-300 surface-to-air missile systems.

Obama isn't just enabling Iran's anti-aircraft capabilities. He has pledged to provide security to Iran's nuclear facilities. The agreement compels the United States to help strengthen Iran’s ability to protect against, and respond to nuclear security threats.

Iran's most sensitive military installation at Parchin won't be available for inspection by IAEA inspectors. Associated Press reported that Iran will be allowed to use its own inspectors at Parchin, which is where Iran tests nuclear triggers and ballistic missiles.

The self-inspection regime is not the only self-deception at work. We keep hearing that Iran has to submit sites to inspections twenty-four days after being notified. However, the deal actually allows the IAEA to notify Iran of the basis for its concern, and Iran is permitted to provide the IAEA with "explanations." This stage has no time limit.

President Obama frequently deploys the logical fallacy of the false choice when peddling this shit sandwich of a deal. It's either war or diplomacy. This deal is not diplomacy, it's an American president submitting to the will of an adversary.

Iran's existential conflict with the United States began in 1979. Their desire to destroy us has never diminished. And America's geographic advantage is going to be nullified by the technology of the nuclear-tipped ICBM. Never forget that President Barack Hussein Obama willed this technological leap into being, along with the following quislings, er, Senators.

Baldwin, Tammy Democrat WI
Boxer, Barbara Democrat CA
Brown, Sherrod Democrat OH
Carper, Tom Democrat DE
Casey, Robert Democrat PA
Coons, Chris Democrat DE
Donnelly, Joe Democrat IN
Durbin, Richard Democrat IL
Feinstein, Dia Democrat CA
Franken, Al Democrat MN
Gillibrand, Kir Democrat NY
Heinrich, Mart Democrat NM
Hirono, Mazie Democrat HI
Kaine, Tim Democrat VA
King, Angus Independent ME
Klobuchar, Amy Democrat MN
Leahy, Patrick Democrat VT
Markey, Ed Democrat MA
McCaskill, Cla Democrat MO
Merkley, Jeff Democrat OR
Mikulski, Barb Democrat MD
Murphy, Chris Democrat CT
Murray, Patty Democrat WA
Nelson, Bill Democrat FL
Reed, Jack Democrat RI
Reid, Harry Democrat NV
Sanders, Bernie Independent VT
Schatz, Brian Democrat HI
Shaheen, Jeanne Democrat NH
Stabenow, Debbi Democrat MI
Tester, Jon Democrat MT
Udall, Tom Democrat NM
Warren, Elizabe Democrat MA
Whitehouse, Shl Democrat RI

Advise and consent my arse.

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