Monday, August 31, 2015

Women Have Rights, Men Have Responsibilities

Do women have an absolute right to abortion? I see a lot of opinions on this subject. Over and over, abortion rights supporters insist that people without vaginas shouldn't be allowed to tell people with vaginas what they can and cannot do with them.

People who oppose abortion are a bunch of men who just want to control women's reproduction.

If one assumes that a woman has the right to an abortion, the basis for that is that the woman is to be the parent. Then one must confer the right to an abortion upon the father, as well. If the mother has the right to unilateral right to terminate her pregnancy, this right should also belong to the father.

But a woman doesn't need the father's consent or even his notification to get an abortion.

If that is because "it's her body," that doesn't make sense. If she were to carry the baby to term, and sue for child support, then the father can be compelled to support a child he didn't consent to. His body will be broken on the wheel of capitalism to pay for the child. So it's not just her body that will be immolated in the cauldron of reproduction.

You could say that the guy should have been responsible enough to "keep it in his pants."

Females who get pregnant and intend to terminate are guilty of the same irresponsibility. We aren't even allowed to stigmatize a woman who aborts her baby because it came along at an inconvenient time. We have been conditioned to accept abortion as a form of birth control.

Maybe women who abort pregnancies out of convenience should be sterilized.

I guess I am just a dudebro neckbeard who want's to control women's reproduction. They don't appear to have earned that level of responsibility. We have conferred a legal right to a class of people unable to control their reproduction without taking a human life.

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