Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The Soft Tyranny of Low Thermostats

Two unrelated stories making their way around the internets recently, perfectly summarize the decline of the west. The first is about how air conditioning in offices is sexist. Jezebel published an article entitled Is Office Air Conditioning a Sexist Conspiracy?

Jezebel claims that it is a "science has already told us that women feel more sensitive to cold temperatures." The hyperlink provides several anecdotes (not science) and a link to another page that explicitly debunks the theory that women are more sensitive to cold temperatures.

The story originated in the Washington Post, by columnist Petula Dvorak. Her article is entitled Frigid offices, freezing women, oblivious men: An air-conditioning investigation.

While her article does have a slightly satirical tone, Dvorak tries to appeal to science. "Researchers," Dvorak writes, "had their hands on the controls at an insurance office for a month. When when they warmed the place from 68 to 77 degrees, typos went down by 44 percent and productivity went up by 150 percent." An anecdote from one "insurance office" does not make data.

Dvorak strolled around Washington, D.C., and noted women who come outside to warm up, displaying "bare shoulders." Others are observed wearing sundresses. Yet another woman notes how she dresses for the season, wearing "a pretty summer outfit." Dvorak contends that all these organizations are tyranically "setting the temperature to suit men."

I would contend that the inside temperature is set to accommodate the greatest number of people. Why should a company try to satisfy a small group of women who are dressed more for a picnic than a professional setting?

The goal of this article is to get the reader to ask themselves, why are there men in the workplace, anyway? The men are "oblivious," and "barely noticing," the women in their "desperation." Perhaps, the feminist and her allies wonder, the workplace should be rid of men. This comports with with my unified theory of feminism. Every iota of feminist activism, including Dvorak's article, has the purpose of facilitating the acquisition and management of resources exclusively for the use of women.

That's why just looking at a female co-worker can cause a sexual harassment accusation, and bring complaints of a hostile work environment to the employer. Better to make the workplace menschen-rein.

The other story, though unrelated, makes a perfect juxtaposition with the workplace temperature article. British Special Air Service (SAS) is going to soften the selection process for recruits. One of the most fearsome, elite special forces units in the world won't train if the temperature exceeds 82 degrees.

I don't know anyone could read these two articles and not come to the conclusion that western civilization is declining rapidly, and soon won't be able to defend itself from the forces of entropy.

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