Monday, August 24, 2015

Season Of The Witch

On Saturday, pro-life protesters took to the streets all over the country, and demonstrated in front of 320 Planned Parenthood abortion clinics. The image of our creator is written all over the faces and the deeds of the people who took part, some of whom are pictured in this photo essay at The Federalist.

But when I googled "planned parenthood protests," three of the top seven search results were about a certain counter-protest in front of the Detroit and Ferndale, Michigan Planned Parenthood abortion clinics. Yes, I am talking about the satanists and their cheesy ceremony, involving drenching women in milk, and reciting some incantation against the "theocratic agenda imposed upon female bodies."

Since First Lady Michelle Obama is on a mission to create fear of whole milk, I dearly hope it was skim milk, or preferentially, soy milk, which was locally sourced, GMO-free, fair trade, etc.

Anyway, now that we live in the era of "gotcha" politics, I wonder if the legacy media bothered to ask any abortionista to repudiate the satanists? When Rush Limbaugh called Sandra Fluke a slut, that was made to represent the entire Republican party. Surely, then, satanism is representative of everyone who supports abortion, the sacrament of the Democratic Party.

So, abortionistas, if some busybody reporter asks you to repudiate the satanists, take my advice, and own it. America hasn't hanged a young woman for witchcraft in hundreds of years. In fact, the supernatural has never been more popular and mainstream than it is now.

The fetishisation of the underworld is in full swing, and nobody is going to call you out for that kind of cultural appropriation. You can't swing a dead cat at television's prime-time lineup without hitting a show about the devil. Whether your taste is in vampires, ghouls, demons, ghosts, incubi, succubi, fairies, changelings, or whatever, nothing is beyond the pale. The darker and more brooding, the better.

A woman shouldn't feel ashamed to be attracted to the bad boy. Women regularly send perfumed letters to the most barbarous murderers on death row. What more fulfilling attraction could these women feel than the attraction to someone sentenced to prison for eternity?

And just to pull today's politics into the discussion, consider one of the most powerful figures in the Democratic party, Hillary Rodham Clinton. Hillary Rodham did her senior thesis at Wellesley College on Saul Alinsky. The same Saul Alinsky wrote the activist's bible, Rules For Radicals, and dedicated the book to Lucifer.

And just in case you are wondering if I am being hyperbolic, listen to the words of the former Secretary of State herself:

"Far too many women are denied access to reproductive health care and safe childbirth, and laws don’t count for much if they’re not enforced. Rights have to exist in practice — not just on paper. Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will. And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed."

Ladies and Gentlemen of Faith, that is the future of the Democratic Party.

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