Saturday, August 15, 2015

Feminism's Strange Fruit: The Happy Cuckhold

What happens when a woman earns more than her man, and the man in economically dependent on her? In the life of a cuckold named Michael Sonmore, his wife's innate hypergamy is unleashed, and the result is polyandry. Sonmore wrote an article for New York Magazine entitled What Open Marriage Taught One Man About Feminism.

As a caveat, I should preface and preempt this essay with a giant SHENANIGANS. Clicking on the author's byline returns one result, the aforementioned article. Googling his name only reveals that he apparently has never published anything, not a blog, not a tweet, nothing, and the only pages returned are essays by other writers.

For all anyone knows, Michael Sonmore is the nom de plume of some fat pig at XO Jane, still sore at the wildly successful Anatomy Of A Troll Job. And they got talked about on Rush, so, mission accomplished.

Anyway, Michael Snoremore says he's happy his wife is sleeping around on him, "because I’m a feminist." The male feminist is the strange fruit of the feminist movement. He "quit working to stay at home with the kids" and is now "an economically dependent househusband." I think referring to himself as a "househusband" is the tell here. The terms "stay-at-home" and "housewife" are feminist terms of derision for women who decide to focus on child-rearing. Snoremore could have gone one better by calling himself a "homemaker" but didn't, because it couldn't be used to demean the male gender.

Another tell in the story is when Snoremore tells people his work is staying home with the kids, people tell him that its the "hardest work in the world." However, he says, the backhanded subtext is that "no one ever says it to a woman." Bullshit. In the real world, full-time mothers are glorified. In Snoremore's bizzaro world, everybody tiptoes around the subject, because their women are so perversely conditioned that anything can be construed as insulting and patronizing.

Still another tell that this story is pure troll job, is the comment that "not to get all women's studies major about it, patriarchal oppression essentially boils down to a man’s fear that a woman with sexual agency is a woman he can’t control." No man is capable of writing that except as parody. It sounds like Michelle Snoremore's thesis statement from Oberlin.

I was going to use this essay as an opportunity to openly urge the man to use the divorce laws against his wife. He should be awarded custody, because he's the primary caregiver. To his wife, the children are just other material things that she's acquired. But the likelihood that this article is a feminist vehicle makes me give less and less fucks.

I will close by noting Michelle Snoremore's most revealing word salad. "When my wife told me she wanted to open our marriage and take other lovers, she wasn’t rejecting me, she was embracing herself. When I understood that, I finally became a feminist." Becoming a feminist is like a religious conversion to these pissed off lesbians. Oh Great Dyke In The Sky, remove the scales from my eyes, that I might see!

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