Monday, July 13, 2015

Weekend At Bernie's

Hillary Clinton gave a domestic policy speech today. She has obviously retained a vocal coach. Her tone is very calm, and she enunciates very clearly. She sounds like a librarian. Still, it's better than the Shrillary we all know so well.

The speech was warmed over hash, straight from the Center For American Progress.

"For 35 years, Republicans have argued that if we give more wealth to those at the top — by cutting their taxes and letting big corporations write their own rules — it will trickle down." Allowing people to keep what they earn is "giving" them "more wealth," according to Hillary.

"I believe we have to build a growth and fairness economy." You can't have both. Capitalism creates winners and losers, and there will always be unfair, disparate outcomes. "We can’t build strong families without more fairness." Nobody believes anymore that Democrats want to build strong families. Democrats believe that it's unfair that some children have loving families while others do not.

"As President, I will work ... to strengthen the American middle class." The Democratic approach to economics eviscerates the middle class. Look at California. That is the future of America. Economics based on broken windows fallacies and demand-side economics.

It was the supply-side economics of Reagan and Bush 41 that encouraged production and handed her husband an economy that benefited from a peace dividend and dot-com boom.

"Bringing millions of hard-working people into the formal economy would increase our gross domestic product by an estimated $700 billion over 10 years." This is based on cherry-picked data from the CBO. The CBO also said that per capita GNP would be less than 1 percent lower than under current law through 2031 because the increase in the population would be greater, proportionately, than the increase in output. The increase in population will be greater than the increase in output. In addition, the CBO estimates that average wages for the entire labor force would be 0.1 percent lower in 2023 under the proposed legislation.

That's not how you build out the middle class. That's how you build the bottom quintile, the Democratic Party sweet spot.

"Breaking down barriers so more Americans participate more fully in the workforce — especially women." I guess nobody told Hillary that women are earning more college degrees than men, and women in their twenties are earning more on aggregate than men. The only role men will play in the brave new world is female ally and stay-at-home dad.

Oh god, there's so much more speech to fisk! I'll just leave this here, and note that it looks like Hillary is brain-damaged. Bill Clinton said that it took "six months of very serious work to get over" her brain injury. She should release her medical records. The corpse in the movie Weekend At Bernie's had more vitality.

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