Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Abortion of America's Conscience

The abortionistas are trying to circle the wagons around Planned Parenthood. Carly Fiorina appeared on Fox News Sunday opposite Emily's List Vice President Jess McIntosh. Fiorina scored a one-punch knockout during the conversation.

Planned Parenthood's activists have resolutely opposed ultrasounds prior to abortion procedures. Fiorina said they have "lobbied against a woman’s opportunity to look at an ultrasound before she makes an incredibly difficult choice to end the unborn life within her. And yet they are using that same technology to harvest body parts."

I don't know when Jess McIntosh surrendered her conscience. Her career in Democratic politics seems pretty anodyne. NYU, MA, English Literature. Al Franken spokesperson. Communications Director for the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party. And, since 2010, communications for Emily's List.

Part of her responsibility includes tarting up her image with a perky blonde hairdo and spitting out "pro-choice" talking points on television.

Emily's List is an acronym for Early Money Is Like Yeast. (It raises dough). They are a political action committee that only supports Democratic politicians. They were started by, among others, Barbara Boxer, Ann Richards, Anne Wexler, Donna Shalala, and Ellen Malcolm. This cycle, they are carrying Hillary Clinton's water.

I despise the soothing, non-threatening name of the organization, and everything they stand for. Using the name Emily for your abortion mill is an anectodal fallacy, because that name could be the name of your friend.

Abortion absolutists are saying that the videos being released by Center For Medical Progress are just a different way for "anti-choice" (the label "pro-life" is scrupulously avoided) people to shove images of dismembered fetuses in front of people. They're wrong. The words coming from Planned Parenthood executives are much, much more damaging.

I never much liked the approach of showing gruesome images to people. Even though it gets under the skin of the abortionistas, and gets them to claim that "free speech doesn't include showing dead fetus pictures."

A picture can be ignored, or compartmentalized. A person cavalierly referring to a broken baby in one bag being exchanged for a bag of cash creates word pictures. Each person that has ears to hear, and allows the message to resonate, cannot help but ruminate on the cruel indifference on display.

People that want the truth are hearing it, right now. Like the testimony of Abby Johnson, who used to run a Planned Parenthood clinic. She left and founded And Then There Were None, "dedicated to helping abortion clinic employees leave the business by providing counseling."

Johnson's conscience was shocked when a physician showed her an abortion procedure on ultrasound. "I had been told by Planned Parenthood that the unborn had no sensory development until 28 weeks gestation, and so to see a 13-week fetus trying to actively move away from the abortion instrument during that procedure was very shocking."

Maybe Emily should have a real baby brother, and he could start his own PAC. Aaron's List, dedicated to going beyond the ultrasound, and showing videotaped ultrasound abortions.

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