Monday, July 06, 2015

She Sells Sanctuary

Kate Steinle was murdered by an illegal alien on July 1. She was thirty-two years old.

Her life was forfeit because the Democratic Party cares more about votes than lives. Because San Francisco is a sanctuary city, and has been since 1989. The man that killed her knew that he would be safe from deportation in San Francisco. It is illegal for local police to turn people over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement without a court order. Even if they have been convicted of multiple felonies. Even if they have been deported multiple times.

The President has made no comment about Steinle's murder. When Josh Ernest was asked to comment, he said "I'd refer you to DHS." You fucking asshat, you are DHS.

Apparently, Obama only cares about murders committed by people who pose with the confederate flag.

The President and the entire Democratic Party are just fine with the concept of sanctuary cities. The less enforcement of our immigration laws, the better.

The word itself is evocative of the concept of the church as a sanctuary for a person accused of a crime. It's also a cynical appropriation of religious symbolism by those who would never visit a place of worship. But sanctuary doesn't mean permanent immunity from prosecution. In canon law, it protected those accused of violent crimes for a limited time only, affording a measure of due process in a time when punishment was often abrupt and bloody.

The reason most often cited in support of sanctuary cities is that "immigrant populations" need to be encouraged to work with police without fear of deportation, and that will improve public safety. This is a canard, an appeal to emotion. The truth is, if someone is suspected of a crime, any legitimate probable cause that will allow police to arrest and detain them is what will "improve public safety."

Immigration activists have even cited the 10th amendment as a reason not to comply with ICE detainer requests. Angela Chan, a staff attorney at the Asian Law Caucus in San Francisco has said that "The 10th Amendment prevents the federal government from requiring state and local authorities to do their work for them."

It's also quite cynical for a progressive to cite the 10th Amendment as support for a state's right to ignore federal law. Usually the only people fluent in the 10th Amendment are described as wing nuts or right wing nut jobs. The Tenth Amendment just states that "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." I guess progressives only cite the Supremacy clause when it suits their argument.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement Directory Sarah Saldana went on record before Congress in March about the possibility of whether she would support a new federal law mandating local cooperation. "Thank you, amen," was her reply.

That didn't sit too well with the American Civil Liberties Union, who said Saldana "insulted all the states and localities across the country who have wisely decided to stay out of immigration enforcement." Time to take the word "American" out of your organization, ACLU. That would be a wise decision.

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