Friday, July 24, 2015

Planned Parenthood's Newspeak

Evidence of Planned Parenthood's political firepower is on full display. U.S. Representative Jan Schakowsky has asked the Justice Department to investigate Center For Medical Progress. To see whether "any federal or state laws were violated in securing the LLC."

Naming his cover organization "Center For Medical Progress" was an inspired move by founder David Daleiden. It infringes ever-so-slightly on the George Soros organization Center For American Progress. Daleiden is profiled by a friend of his, Charles C. Johnson, here. My favorite passage in Johnson's article is a pointed warning "To the abortion industry: David is your worst nightmare. He knows all of your weaknesses and he has dedicated his life to finding them. He won’t quit. You’ll have to kill him."

Daleiden has warned Planned Parenthood that more videos are coming. "About a dozen," he said. Such as fetal tissue, including kidneys and brains, being implanted into laboratory rats. "A lot of frankly Frankenstein stuff," Daleiden says.

Lawmakers of both parties should be considering whether to defund Planned Parenthood. Stop giving them tax dollars. If people or corporations or foundations want to sponsor them, let them. While we're at it, revoke their 501c(3) tax-exempt status. That's supposed to be for educational organizations. If it takes re-writing the tax code to abolish 501c(3) organizations, so be it. If the tax code allowing deductions for charitable giving needs to be abolished, then so be it.

Anything less amounts to government sponsorship of abortion.

The videos that have appalled people of conscience have drawn Hillary Clinton's comment. "It’s really an attack against a woman’s right to choose, to make the most personal, difficult decisions that any woman would face, based on her faith and the medical advice that she’s given," Clinton said.

Referring to abortion as a "right" is Newspeak. It is a colonization of the language, to confer upon women the sole "right" to liquefy a human being out of existence. Just because it is her body, and can do with it as she pleases? She can't prostitute herself, abuse drugs, or commit suicide. No woman has the "right" to harm herself.

Abortionistas conflate legal rights with natural rights. A natural right is inalienable, and not contingent upon the laws, customs, or beliefs of any particular culture or government." The right to defend oneself against physical attack is a natural right. A natural right cannot be taken away.

An individual's right to their own life cannot be taken away without due process. A woman showing up at an abortion clinic for the sake of convenience is not due process. An unborn child feels pain and fear, even though he or she may not understand how to process this.

The "right" to have an abortion is a legal right. That is, it can "be modified, repealed, and restrained by human law." It was given to women by the government, and it can be taken away by the government. People need to start saying that women in this country have a "legal right" to have an abortion. A natural right to abortion would imply that the taking of a human life at any stage of development is also a natural right. Maybe that is why the progressives feel so strongly that there should be a right to euthanasia. Once life in any form becomes devalued, life in all forms becomes devalued.

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