Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Abortion and Grieving

I feel compelled to ask and answer why I am devoting so much blogspace to abortion recently. I have always been grieving the selfish "choices" I made as a younger man. And the national revulsion in the wake of the Planned Parenthood videos is acting like a support.

According to the Kubler-Ross model of grief, there are emotional stages that persons processing grief experience. One of these is anger. Another is depression, which is anger turned inward. I'm done with depression.

I'm not afraid of anger anymore. I realize that it's just a feeling, and that it has a purpose, such as the production of adrenaline for energetic purposes. In fact, anger is the animating spirit behind many of these essays.

I don't feel anger for the individual woman who seeks an abortion. These women may have been conditioned into a total worship of self; however, each soul might repent and turn away, and claim salvation. No, the contempt and hostility are reserved for the political and cultural enablers of abortion. Like Cecile Richards, whom I'm pretty sure has a contract in hell signed in her own blood.

Amanda Marcotte is a pretty despicable human being as well. She calls it a "non-scandal." How many videos have to be released to convince her?

"Republicans continue to puff up in feigned outrage and use this as a pretense to attack family planning programs," Marcotte writes. It's not feigned. And nobody is attacking family planning. It the long-suppressed outrage that tax funding goes for abortion, and disgust that procedures are being modified to maximize profit from fetal organ sales.

Marcotte continues, saying that Rand Paul's "statement—that taxpayer dollars are going to it—a flat-out lie, as spending federal money on abortion has been banned since the ‘70s." Marcotte knows that some of the $500 million a year in tax money that Planned Parenthood receives annually, goes into general accounts to fund abortions. To say nothing of countless tax-exempt donations made to all the 501c(3) abortion-related PACs, whose sole purpose is abortion political advocacy.

I'm thinking that Marcotte is animated by anger, too. Perhaps she internalized a story she once read about sexual abuse. It might explain her most infamous quote, the one that got her kicked out of the John Edwards campaign, asking "What if Mary had taken Plan B after the Lord filled her with his hot, white, sticky Holy Spirit? You’d have to justify your misogyny with another ancient mythology."

Marcotte claims that the libertarian Paul has in common 'the desire to feel self-righteous while in fact just being deeply selfish" with the conservative movement. Marcotte never mentions that Rand Paul is a doctor. I'm not sure Marcotte understands either the religious right or libertarians. She says that there is "libertarian hostility towards social spending on things like food and health care." She claims that libertarians believe the poor are just "shameful dependents who need to suffer for the lack of merit."

I'm glad in a way that Marcotte isn't repressing her rage. That's not healthy. Maybe this expression of toxic fury will be healthy for her. As long as she uses her microphone to promote pathological behavior, she will provoke me.

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